ICAD #22 Neon sign |
ICAD #23 winter |
ICAD #24 magenta |
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ICAD #25 song |
ICAD #26 space invaders |
ICAD #27 motel Quite possibly the worst landscape ever done in the history or art. In the world. |
ICAD #28 Cats or dogs |
Please excuse the cracked screen. This tablet has seen better days, only lasting a day out of the box! I cover it with a new film of clear contact every now and then, and it still works brilliantly. |
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Put the kettle on luv. |
My favourite of favouritest lunch time meals. Some African spices, veggies and beans , with yogurt and fresh herbs. Yumbo!! Hearty, warming and healthy. |
ICAD #17 Landscape
I did this the day after it was supposed to be done, with colour pencils. It's a view from my sister in law's house, or my dodgy interpretation!
ICAD #18 Orange
Not quite an orange, but the right colour, and a close cousin. I did this one straight after the landscape prompt. Coloured pencils.
ICAD #20 1960s
Water colour, crayon, sharpies and pencil. Groovy baby.
ICAD #8 Island Sandpaper island, paint chip card sea and tree. |
ICAD #9 Compass. |
ICAD #11 Baseball I printed out a google map of our local baseball field and stuck it on the card. I drew a baseballer, tore around it and stuck it on. |
ICAD # 13 playground This was a quick draw to catch up the day. The card was prepared with the lime green swirls, my favourite colour. The slide looks odd, I know. |
ICAD #14 Venn diagram I had to google what a venn diagram looked like, coz I had no idea. In hindsight, I should have made it a colour mixing chart more so than random colours. Oh well. Move on. |
Everyone else was making a title card for the project, so why not? :) |
ICAD #3 Snoopy I drew this in pencil first and then went over it with a fine line felt tip pen. It took me a few goes to get Woodstock right from the erasing lines that are visible. |
ICAD #4 typewriter Water colour, sharpie border and printed stuff from the net. I printed out the words, then cut them up and bordered them with a sharpie. |
ICAD #5 cloud Water colour, wool and printed words cut and pasted |
ICAD #6 Top ten list Real red wine stains, coloured sharpies and numbers cut and pasted from the May issue of Woolworths Fresh magazine. I really did run over the kid next door's bike that day! |
ICAD #7 Pinball or bowling Wood print, pencil drawn ball and pins, black fine line felt pen |