Monday, March 6, 2017

Must watch TV

This topic would be debatable amongst different people. We all have our preferences and faves. 

Must watch shows on the telly at the moment for me, all happen when the kids go to bed, are supposed to be in bed and trying to go to sleep. So of course, my fave shows are rarely watched without interruption.

It is no surprise I get sucked into late night movies, that I can watch in peace, as the kids are well and truly asleep by then.

We don't have pay TV, Netflix or  anything like that, so I am not up to date with all the popular shows that everyone is or should be watching. I don't have a clue usually, what people with these services are talking about!

Here's a list of my favourite shows I am watching and loving, on free to air telly at the moment. 

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1. I'm a celebrity....get me out of here!

I got sucked in, hook line and sinker in the last series of this show. This year is no different.

I love the light hearted banter of the hosts, Chris Brown (hubba bubba) and funny lady Julia Morris.
I enjoy watching the celebrity's stories emerge, and getting to know them better. This season, Steve Price is one of the celebrities braving the jungle. His interviews featuring other celebrities are inspiring and so interesting to listen to. We get to see a different side to them.
The celebrities test themselves in physical and mental challenges, including the tucker trials that have them eating all sorts of disgusting foods to earn food rewards, not to mention getting way too up close and personal with an array of creepy, crawly critters. 
It makes me realise that even as celebrities, they have real lives, fears and phobias. They appear more real, and I love to watch!

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2. GoggleBox

The producers of this show deserve a medal, for total genius. Oh that's right, they won a Silver Logie for Best Factual Program last year. 

Not only it is factual, but absolutely bloody funny. This is my dose of happy pills every week. Like most reality shows, I always wonder, what the hell am I going to watch, when another season finishes.
This current season involves eleven different families or friends, enjoying programs in their own homes, and we see thier reactions to those programs. From current news, to movies and the latest reality tv shows. Highly entertaining.

3. This is Us

I almost didn't start watching this show. When I say that, I didn't even watch the first screening. Lucky for me they encored the first episode, and I was then hooked into the interweaving story of the Pearson family. The way the plot unfolded was amazing.

The story alternates between present day and the past to tell the characters stories. A story which revolves around the present day of siblings Kevin, Kate and Randall.
I am still hooked after four episodes, and I usually don't watch a lot of series drama.

When there is nothing much to watch any other time, I like to watch the Food Network on SBS channel 33. I don't get into the American shows on there much though, the food just doesn't appeal to me as much as other cultures.

I do enjoy watching The Project in the evening, and in the morning I am usually watching Sunrise, although I do get annoyed at the sensationalised news report at times. Any other time the telly is off, or the kids are watching ABC4kids on channel 22.

What are you watching?!

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  1. We just finsihed Santa Clarita Diet and liked it and are now struggling through Legion. It just goes on a bit too much. Last night we just watched 30 Rock on DVD which is due back at the library...

  2. I love GoggleBox and I'm A Celebrity, too! And same as Lydia, I just finished watching Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix which I loved. So funny!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  3. I just started This Is Us! Such a tear jerker

  4. Oops! I am unfamiliar with these shows!! I occasionally tune into MKR. I also enjoy old re-runs of The Middle. I mostly watch documentaries, politics, news and I do love cooking shows too. I like standup comedy shows and anything British.

  5. I don't watch much TV but last week when my back copletely went on me so I was unable to sit or walk without excruciating pain I have been watching a lot more TV lying down. I enjoyed last night's episode of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!

  6. I absolutely love Google Box and have moments when I'm watching TV, make a comment and think 'Oh that is a Google Box moment'. I've heard some good reviews about 'This is Us' but I haven't been able to get into 'I'm a Celebrity'. I like reading what other people are watching.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond.

  7. I'm not familiar with the majority of the so-called celebrities on that show, so maybe that's why I don't get into it. Anyway, I'm weird. Whatever helps you unwind and forget about all the bullshit in life for a bit is good, I say.

  8. That's almost a 'snap' for me in terms of what you are watching. Thanks to social media I follow I decided to give I'm a Celebrity a go this year which is unlike me and I too have been surprised by some of the people. I can't come at the messy challenges but I like people watching so it's good that way. I used to love Big Brother too! Gogglebox is quite the standout for a show that seemed like it would make no sense isnt it? Love it too. Thanks so much for linking up with your post on #lifethisweek today too. Denyse xx Next week: My favourite colour.

  9. This Is Us is my current favourite tv show. I never watch tv during the day, but I watch MKR at night. I also love The Chase Australia.

  10. I'm so guilty of staying up later than I meant to just because its the only time I get to watch tv in peace {the only time I get to watch anything other than abc kids to be honest}. My favourite shows at the moment are the renovating shows on 9 life and also married at first sight - I normally don't like those type of reality shows, but from a psychological perspective it's so addictive.

  11. We often have the Food Network on here too (when it's not on 9Life - I love renovation and house hunting shows!)

  12. I keep hearing about This Is Us, I'll have to check it out. I've been watching Top Chef and this comedy called Fresh Off The Boat about a Taiwanese family in Washington in the early 90s. Or maybe late 80s.

  13. We are so boring! With Gus getting home late each night, we watch Im A Celebrity and tape My Kitchen Rules and watch after.
    I have Netflix on my iPad and am loving it! I have watched The Crown and Making a Murderer and there are lots of other stuff I haven't had time for yet.
    GoggleBox is too funny!

  14. I've seen snippets of Googlebox and I want more!

    SSG xxx

  15. I dropped my comment about Goggle Box on the wrong post. Anyway, just wanted to add... I went to school with Julia Morris.

  16. I have stopped watching TV because I hate reality telly and that's all that's on during prime time. I would like to watch This is Us but it's on a bit late...should watch the catch-up shows though. I prefer Netflix at the moment.


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