My youngest had her first sports day ever on Friday. So much excitement for her, she did really well, because she did her best and had great fun doing it!
I usually lay down with her at night, she is the best cuddler and I tell her I love her. Her reply always is, "Me too". That night was the first time she had a laugh and realised the play on words....that she loved herself too.
I don't know why that was so funny. She is an absolutely gorgeous girl with an infectious personality, and should be in love with herself. I suppose it does seem funny to a little girl, and she probably (like me) won't realise the importance of loving herself until she is well into her forties.
I hope not.
I remember when I was a teenager it was not uncommon to use it as a slur towards another person, usually another girl. "She is totally in love with herself!". Like it was a bad thing. The worst thing is she probably wasn't and had all the insecurities and self doubt that everyone of us had.
I've was even accused of being 'in love with myself'. Exactly the opposite was true. I was a cess pool of insecurity, I was in no way popular and couldn't string two cool words together to save my life. I guess because I was so quiet, I came across as a bit of a snob. I think I still do, because I have trouble sometimes having the confidence to say hello to people. I am a great smiler though! Smiles hide loads of insecurities!
In this day and age, with the pressures of social media, it does worry me what insecurities and challenges my girls will face as they age. I realise now, that I must instill in them the importance of loving the way they are, that thier differences are what make them unique. I can only do what I can, and realise that I won't be with them all the time, and hope that the world is kind to them.
By the way, the red team, Banksia, won the whole day. She was so excited! Her older sister had a good day too, and I was so glad I was there to cheer them on and share in thier happiness.
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I'm a total fan of Kanye, and music aside, I love his self belief. And while everyone focuses on him negatively, they miss those things he says which are taking you along with him. I think it's sad that we, especially as girls, are taught to put ourselves down publicly. I try to pull people up when they do that now...
ReplyDeleteI am much aware now to what is really going on when someone puts themselves down. I am thankful that I found the world of blogging, because it has opened a door to more knowledge and understanding about myself and others.
DeleteI haven't delved into the beliefs of Kanye, I couldn't name one of his songs off the top of my head! Worth looking into :)
Girls were very harsh in the '80's. Socially it was a tough time for females in general. I dread to think what evils social media use will bring about. We've only hit the tip of the iceberg I think.
ReplyDeleteThe social media of tomorrow worries me with my girls. It seems though with every passing generation, the challenges young people face change form. Right now I guess it is cyber bullying, it does worry me what new evils will evolve with new technology.
DeleteOh how I wish the innocence and feelings about self lasted from that are doing an awesome a job as you can instilling this in her, as is her personality it would seem. Unfortunately in so many cases, "life" and "social groups" including those at school and beyond can undo some of this. Her essence though is there forever! You are doing a fine job of seeing that it's nourished and within you too as you do so. Much love, Denyse xx
ReplyDeleteShe is such a social butterfly with her peers, and she flows through them so effortlessly. I am aware though, not to forget that she does need building up every now and again even though she does seem so confident. I think we all need that.
DeleteThat's so sweet. :)
ReplyDeleteMy younger two daughters have their sports carnival later this week; they're looking forward to it
So much excitement. It's wonderful to see them having a great time with thier peers and enjoying competing, while it is not so competitive.
DeleteShe sounds like such a sweetie - you're a good mum Alicia x
ReplyDeleteShe is adorable! I am totally biased though x
DeleteGosh Alicia, you just described me too! I used to pray every night through high school that God would give me confidence to contribute to conversations. Sometimes I think now that the pendulum has swung too far and I need to know when to shut up and listen lol! I have a daughter too. She is 7. My son is 10. I sincerely hope that they love themselves sick because as you say in this digital world we live in, they're going to need to.
ReplyDeleteIntroverts unite! I'm pretty sure lots of people throughout my life have thought I'm a snob because I don't approach them and say hi. I'm really quiet and find it awkward and it's downright impossible to approach a group of people and join in the conversation. So I stand by myself a lot and try not to worry what others are thinking about me!
ReplyDeleteMember of the introvert club here... people often thought I was a snob or not interested in them. In fact I was deeply interested and curious about others, just not good at general social situations and talking to more than a couple of people at a time. You are doing a wonderful job of nurturing and supporting her through this crazy world we have now. It took me until my 40s as well to realise I was pretty much okay the way I am! I like myself now, and squash that hyper critical voice most times when it raises its ugly head. We had our school sports a couple of weeks ago. Red is my team, and we didn't win the overall sports, but we did win the award for team spirit!!