Monday, July 21, 2014

It's the wet season

It's been a very wet month. So much rain. 

I took these while out driving with the girls. Sometimes I just have to chuck them in the car and drive. I am not sure how that works when we get cabin fevered in a house and then I go stick us in an even smaller space and everything is cool.

I think the change of scenery works wonders.

It's taken on Mayurra Road(a back road out of town), at the intersection of Bakers Road. 

The colours of the paddocks and the amount of water laying about really caught it my attention. It took my breath away. 

There are so many times I see a sight like this and just keep driving. I have been making a point of stopping, not letting that feeling go, and capturing what I see.


  1. Stunning pictures.
    We have had the opposite, I think you have had all our rain!! Which was great in school holidays except the kids insist on wearing shorts when it has been so cold and windy!!
    I stopped the other day too to try and get some pictures of a rainbow.

    1. Lol. I think that may be a boy thing. My son used to always want to wear shorts to school on cold days! I am sure they don't feel the cold.

  2. What amazing scenery, such a vast difference to what it looks like up here in Queensland. Everything is so dry, we haven't had decent rain in ages.

  3. What fab long as that water doesn't rise too much (you get cut off, don't you?)

    1. The paddocks get very wet. I have even seen dinghies out in paddocks before!
      We don't get cut off though.

  4. Those colours are beautiful - so green there! And those wind turbines. We're in serious need of rain around here. Fire danger very high!

    1. It seems a familiar theme, with the northern states needing the rain. I hadn't realised it was so dry up there.

  5. What lovely pics. Our paddocks here in NE Vic are looking the the same, chuck a few cows in and you have the makings of the centre of a bogged up, squelching footy oval. The dams are full, there is heaps of grass and it looks lovely though. Not good for driving the tractor or ute though...

    1. I actually got bogged on the edge of the high school footy oval a month ago while picking up some chooks from the ag shed. It didn't look wet at all. My bad. I'll know next time.

  6. Such great photos Alicia! We haven't had rain up here for a while. Most of the grass in our complex is brown, except for the tiny green patch of took photos of with bub the other day.

  7. Hi Alicia, I'm new to your blog and party! :)

    You took some really good shots!! You've got a great eye! It's fun to see what Australia looks like.

    Hope you have a great day!

    1. Thank you Mary. I do love to share my local area. Thanks for coming to link up :)

  8. Such beautiful pics! Been so long since we had some decent rain up here, been cold as all buggery though!!
    PS..loving the new look header!

    1. Thanks Zita, I felt like a change. Freezing our bits off here too :)

  9. I just happened to re read a comment you made which brought me back here :)
    We recently drove over to Adelaide from Sydney for family reasons. We drove straight through and also visited my sister in law who lives in Moorlands. We drove through the Hay Plains and then through Pinnaroo which is the back way to is SO green everywhere as compared to the dryness of when we usually go over in the hot months.
    Thanks for some gorgeous photos and good on you for pausing to take in what's around you :)
    Alexa from Sydney, Australia

  10. It is always good to stop, I sometimes don't and always wish I have. That is looking nice and wet. Getting out of the house is always a great way to get rid of that boxed up feeling.

  11. Beautiful photos. I love capturing moments also but find I don't "have time" to do it anymore. I feel I am consumed by just trying to keep up with day to day that whipping out my good camera and snapping away is far too much effort at the moment for me. This makes me want to get my camera out and go on a photo taking adventure :)

  12. Those are beautiful pictures! Over here the sun is shining, but I also like it when it rains.

  13. I love how the wind farm looks painted in


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