Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Driving through beauty

My place in time #49 - I had to stop the car to take a photo

I don't know about you, but I love beautiful scenery as I drive. Little snippets of charm to break up the drive. 

Yesterday Summer and I went for a drive to Penola. We had an awesome day. 

In these parts there are quite often trees lining the roadsides that tower of the road and meet in the middle. 

This is just a couple of those, if I had of stopped to take photos of all the beautiful scenes it would have taken me all day to get there and home. Not to mention, standing on the road isn't the safest place to spend a lot of time! 

The turn to the left goes to Kalangadoo. This is where I grew up. I have youthful memories of this avenue. The sunlight flickering through the trees as we drove through. I think it's beautiful. It is beautiful. We came through here a little over a week ago, leaves blew around as the car swept through. The weather has been wild the last week and the leaves have just about gone. I will have to capture this avenue when the leaves have returned.


  1. Lovely scenery to enjoy on a drive. I imagine the first lot of trees would be absolutely gorgeous with leaves too!

    1. iIt is. A great green corridor of flickering light. I will have to come back to take photos in 6 months.

  2. Looks like a beautiful drive. Congratulations on your 400th post!

    1. Thank you Michelle. I love driving and being able to enjoy the view that most of the time you take for granted.

  3. Wow. I love that you pulled over to capture these shots, definitely worth it.

    1. I have been making a point of pulling over when I see something worth photographing. Too many times I have just kept driving and kicked myslef later on. No time like the present!

  4. I love how those trees snarl together in the first few shots! Glad you got out and about lovely x

    1. I need to just get out and drive some more. the kids like a change of scenery too.

  5. LOVE! Just beautiful scenery. Happy 400th :)

  6. There is just something about the way the trees encase the road.... Definitely worth stopping to capture!

    1. Everytime I drove through here I would always think, I have to stop and take photos and never did. I am glad I stopped, but was so conscious of not getting myself run over too!

  7. Doesn't that road just look like it goes on forever!

    1. I was thinking the same thing in those photos too :)

  8. These beautiful trees, their branches seem to seek to embrace! Beautiful photos!

  9. Beautiful! I love tree lined roads/streets! I also love getting away from the city and suburbia AND I love autumn and winter leaves :-)

  10. I love when trees grow over the road like this. I loved it as a kid, and I love it still now.

    1. These roads and trees are ingrained in my memories of childhood.

  11. what a lovely place. awesome green trees . i like this pictures. Coming from the Wordless Wednesday blog hop!

  12. I love roads with trees beside them, creating a tunnel. Just something about them.

  13. How gorgeous. I love the way trees frame the view.

  14. I love the photos of the deciduous trees arching over the road. We don't get that up here in Bris-Vegas.


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