Monday, April 24, 2017

On top of the world

I was here back in January when the girls and I hitched a ride in Brett's truck into the forest.

This time the kids stayed home with Brett while I ventured back out there. I picked up Jake on the way. It was good to spend some time with him, it was a bit like old times, just me and him going on drives. Kicking myself now I didn't take some photos of my son while I was out there. 

I was surprised he actually knew which way to go home, passing the Millicent Golf Club and onto the Mt Burr road. I forget, how cluey he actually is. Maybe it's because he might have been one too many times hooning in the forest with his mates. Probably the latter. 

I've been spending a lot more time with him since his mental health diagnosis. I am more or less his carer, making sure he takes his meds and goes to appointments. He is finally getting support from counsellors and organisation like MIND, which is a load off me. 

I wasn't really happy with the photos, as when I got home there was a shadow on the photos, so I had to edit out the shadow. Must have been a bit of sand of something on the mirror. I have hopefully cleaned it and fixed the problem. It's happened once before.

It was amazing to look out over the land, to see town from up high. To see the sandhills on the horizon. To be on par with Mount Muirhead, when usually we are looking up to it from town. My uncle says it's the only landmark he can see when out on the deep ocean in the boat.

It's quite peaceful out here too.

I needed some time out from the kids, and the house. Brett had gotten back from a camping trip the day before and I wasted no time in flying out the door that morning, on my own. Even though I did take my son with me, and I wasn't alone recharging my batteries, my soul felt replenished. I felt the fresh air wash through me and for that morning everything was alright in my world. 

Hello lovely people. This is Open Slather.

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  1. Gorgeous photos. Shame you had to edit them due to a dirty lens. We had a big trip about this time last year and I took hundreds of photos, only to find marks on all of them. Sadly for me it was dust on the lens and it required a professional clean. I still haven't gotten around to editing all of the photos either.

  2. Stunning photos! And I'm glad your son is finally getting the support he needs and that you can breathe a bit easier as a result!


  3. The photos are so peaceful aren't they? I'm more relaxed just looking at them!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  4. These images are wonderful! Such a pain when your camera has issues! I am about to blow serious cash on an upgrade due to motor failure inside one of my camera's lens. Oh well but great too huh?!!
    So glad you got to catch up with your older boy too. Xx

    1. My camera is one of the things I dread having problems with. That and my computer, or the internet lol.

  5. Oh how wonderful to see your photos and of places in Australia I have no idea about. I am getting educated for sure!! It was great you got to take your son with you. Gosh, such a responsibility for you...and I "know" you are his Mum...but when kids become adults we don't think about this much yet, you are so needed. I hope you too are making sure you are well-cared for. Have you considered finding someone professionally to chat with? I know it's helped me via my GP and a MHCPlan. D xx

    1. The options are there for me to have someone to vent to, and I agree it does help immensely. It is up to me to seek it and put aside the time for it amongst the craziness that is life x

  6. So pleased to hear you are spending more time with your boy and that he is following a treatment plan. Getting out into nature is good for every soul x

  7. I'm glad your son is getting the love and support he needs as these are vital in any mental illness. I come from a family who has a history of depression and schizophrenia and I honestly believe that support, understanding, and self-care are vital in battling this, as well as faith. xx


    1. Thanks Jacq, it helps to know there are other people out there who understand x


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