
Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas with Barry Humphries

You would think, by the title, I was having christmas with a celebrity. But no, just my brother in law who happens to share his name with one. His wife Gayle is Bretts sister, we traveled to have christmas with them this year. 

We left on Christmas Eve and the girls were awesome on the way, for the five hour trip. We stopped at Meningie and ate the ham sandwiches I made that morning, Summer thought the seagulls needed hers more than she did. I was flabbergasted by the sight of a seagull downing a 1/4 of a ham and cheese sandwich whole! There was a one legged gull that hopped about and was doing pretty good hovering in front of me at head height, catching crusts in mid air. 

We stopped again in Mount Pleasant. Izzy stretched her legs in the playground, while I fed Summer. In previous trips, this always seems the place we get to until someone needs a booby feed.
Very annoying piano from auntie Carmen ;P

Dollies from Nanna Anne. Izzys is Gemima and Summers Esme.

Leaving on the Monday and not wanting to take all the presents with us, we opened most of them on Sunday morning, only taking a couple small ones for the kids with us. Brett opened the present with shorty pyjamas and a new cap from the girls and I opened mine, a new phone. 

Christmas day was as they always are, loud, happy and tiring. Too much food, good food. 
Jacko bought oysters from Eyre Peninsula. Brett smoked and slow roasted an apple juice infused pork leg.
Claire was late, she forgot that cars run on petrol and ran out, on her way out of Adelaide. That's our Claire.
I limped all day on my swollen foot, I had managed to get spider bitten the day before we left. It took 4 days for the swelling to go down and is still a bit sore at the bite, and annoyingly itchy.

A present from cousin Bonnie, and the sticky taped on
 tinsel earrings, her idea!
Izzys bed on the middle bunk in cabin 10.

We left homeward on Boxing Day after eating a bacon and egg breakfast, watching the first few overs of test cricket and saying goodbyes at Gayle and Barry's. Our stay at the Gawler caravan park in cabin number 10 was over. On the way home we visited the Monarto Zoo, had a late lunch at KFC at Murray Bridge and got home about 7 pm. 

Christmas Day reminds me a lot of weddings, so much planning and doing for one day, and then it's all over. Brett mentioned when we got home that he told someone we are having it at our house next year....I don't bloody think so!! There he goes opening his big mouth again.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Green Bean Salad

I love this salad, it brings back great food memories from my mums kitchen and the spreads she put on our kitchen table. I could eat a whole bowl full of this stuff.

I have just started getting beans aplenty from the garden, this is the first thing I have done with them. We had them cold, but makes an good warm salad as well.

I made this using a couple of handfuls of fresh green beans straight from the garden, boiled for about 5 minutes, not even that. You can leave the beans whole or cut in half.
I finely chopped up a small clove of garlic and threw it on top of the drained beans, in a bowl.
Glugged about 1-2 tablespoon of olive oil on top and a dash of vinegar(maybe a teaspoon), and mixed it all up.
  Love, love, love it!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Darn dog!

So maybe we forgot how much puppies like to chew.
 Nothing is sacred.

 Don't dare leave your shoes outside!

 Don't dare try to tie me up!

Meanwhile the actual dog toys remain unscathed!

Last week the silly dog got out, how is still a mystery, well, it was my fault, but keep it just between you and me, yeah? Buzz ended up in the pound and cost $45 to be set free. Another $20 to register and $65 for his second immunisations!! Brett was not impressed and made suggestions that we leave him at the pound! Not this little black duck chook! I responsibly marched down there and paid for him to be released(money transferred from Bretts account of course*insert big smirk*).

Monday, December 24, 2012

Aussie Christmas Carols

Dashing through the bush, In a rusty Holden Ute
Kicking up the dust, Esky in the boot
Kelpie by my side, Singing Christmas songs
It’s summer time and I am in, My singlet, shorts & thongs


Engine’s getting hot, Dodge the kangaroos
Swaggy climbs aboard, He is welcome too
All the family is there, Sitting by the pool
Christmas day, the Aussie way, By the barbecue!

Come the afternoon, Grandpa has a doze
The kids and uncle Bruce, Are swimming in their clothes
The time comes round to go, We take a family snap
Then pack the car and all shoot through, Before the washing up


Deck the sheds with bits of wattle, fa la la la, la la la la,
Whack some gum leaves in a bottle, fa la la la, la la la la la,
All the shops are open Sundies, fa la la la, la la la la,
Buy you Dad some socks and undies, fa la la la, la la la la la.

Deck the sheds with bits of gumtree, fa la la la, la la la la,
Hang the deco's off the plum tree, fa la la la, la la la la la,
Plant some kisses on the missus, fa la la la, la la la la,
Have a ripper Aussie Christmas, fa la la la, la la la la la.

Say g'day to friends and rellies, fa la la la, la la la la,
Wave them off with bulging bellies, fa la la la, la la la la la,
Kids and babies, youngies, oldies, fa la la la, la la la la,
May your fridge be full of coldies, fa la la la, la la la la la.

Chop the wood and stoke the barbie, fa la la la, la la la la,
Ring the folks in Abudabe, fa la la la, la la la la la,

Pop the stuffing in the turkey, fa la la la, la la la la,
Little Mary's feeling ercky, fa la la la, la la la la la.

Rally rally round the table, fa la la la, la la la la,
Fill your belly while you're able, fa la la la, la la la la la,
Joyce and Joaney, Dave and Darryl, fa la la la, la la la la,
Sing an Aussie Christmas carol, fa la la la, la la la la la.

from my family to yours

No open slather today peops. We are on our way to spend christmas in Gawler with Bretts family.  I hope you all enjoy your christmas day with your families, try not to eat too much (yeah right!), and keep safe if you are travelling. Seeya on the flipside. Ho Ho Ho! 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Spanish Prawn Salad

This salad is delicioso.
A perfect prawn dish for a christmas feast on a hot summers day.

2 large oranges
1 cos lettuce
500gr cooked prawns with tails
1 red onion, finely sliced
2 Tblspn red wine vinegar
4 Tblspn olive oil
1/2 tsp finely grated orange rind
1 clove garlic

Cut orange into segments.
Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving platter.
Top with prawns, orange segments and onion.

Place vinegar, oil, garlic and orange rind in a jar, shake well.
 Drizzle over salad.
Serve with crusty bread.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Liebster Quinella

This post started as a Liebster times two, in the process I have procured two more. Enough already people!

Thank you very very very very much to Rita from The Crafty Expat, Robyn from Mrs D and Candy bows, Victoria from Declutterbug and Captain Stingypants and Tegan from Musings of the Misguided for nominating me and my blog, for Liebster awards. I will kill two four birds with one stone(coz I am that good!), and answer all of them in one post.

Ritas Questions....

1. Have you ever travelled to another country?
No. The furthest I have been is Long Island off Queensland! Considering I live in one of the southern most places in South Australia, it's a fair way. In a plane. :)

2- Which country did you visit or/and which country would you like to visit? 
I would love to go to Spain, the birth place of my Dad :)
3- What is your best travelling memory?
Learning to ski at Falls Creek or eating my way around Tasmania!
4- Which place did you visit in your own country?
There have been so many.....loved every one of them. I haven't been to NT or WA.
5- What is your favourite place in the world (other than home)?
My mums house.
6- What is your favourite craft activity or/and what type of crafts would you like to learn?
Crosstitch or quilting, I like to paint and draw, all of which I haven't done much of at all lately. I would love to learn how to crochet.
7- Do you have a craft fail? Tell me about it.
I am hopeless at taking up and hemming pants. Which is a pain because I am short. There are so many different types of materials I have no experience in hemming successfully :/
8- What is the most positive thing you get out of blogging
Relationships with fantastic people, who urge me on to create fantastic memories for the future generations, so they can look back on and experience their ancestory in a way I never got to.
9- What part of blogging you dislike
how time consuming it is!
10- What do you like best when you look at a blog?
When it loads fast, and is easy to read.
11-Name three things you want to do before the end of the year?
Wax my chin! lol.seriously!!
Blog my christmas day :)
Unpack from trip away for christmas day, and washed all the dirty clothes, and folded, and put them away in their respective drawers. that is all :)

Robyns questions....

Is your blog your job or your hobby? It is my hobby. One day maybe, it will become my job, who knows, maybe not?
Do you work from home and if so how do you manage to work around the kids? I do not work from home, thank f...ruit cake, because I do not know how the hell I could do it!!!!
If you could have a whole day to yourself what would you do? Go get a pedi, massage and facial all in one!
What's your favourite quick, never fail dinner recipe? Spaghetti bog!
Are you good at saying No when you need to? (I'm terrible) I am terrible, but, just tonight i didn't answer my door. I was trying to get my youngest to sleep, I wasn't answering the door to anybody!!! It turned out to be my next door neighbour, I would have loved to seen her.
What's the most embarrassing situation your little ones have put you in when out and about? Recently when we where at the op shop and izzy kept saying "We have to get out of here, this place stinks. It is making me feel sick". She was being so honest, I couldn't stop laughing!!
Are you currently following your passion? I am really not sure what my passion is. It would have to be gardening of some sort, maybe design. I am sure I would have to win lotto to follow it truly :/
Are you super organised or do you survive in organised chaos? I like to think I live organised, but I am sure from an oustide view it would be organised chaos!!!
Have you ever moved country before? No, not even statewide. I did consider once moving to NSW to be with Jakes Dad.
Do you have a thermomix? Do you love it? I don't have one! I went to a demonstration, but wasn't convinced it was the bees knees, although impressive :/ My sister in law has one and she loves it.
Camping! Love it or hate it?? Love it when it doesn't rain, or isn't too hot. And the kids are happy and not whining!! Would much rather a hotel room! We do have a caravan that is better than a tent I suppose.

Victorias questions....

1. How has blogging affected you?
It has introduced me to lots of new people and things like twitter. Given me an outlet to be expressive and creative.
2. What do you do when you get some 'me time'?
Relax, compute, drink wine, shower
3. Do you share your blog with family and close friends?
No, some know I have one but I don't think they frequent it
4. How often do you check your blog stats?
A few times a week, I try not to be too worried about it, sometimes curiosity gets the better of me.
5. What inspires you to write?
A desire to connect
6. How do you relax in the evening?
In front of the computer, sometimes with wine
7. Do you sleep with your smartphone?
No! I don't have a smartphone. I don't sleep with my dumbphone. I'm not really a mobile phone person...yet.

8. Name a person you admire?
My sons nanna, Jan Nicoll, she is the most amazing person I know
9. Coffee or tea?
I will drink both, but am going mad for coffee right now
10. Your dream holiday is...?
Sitting on a beach, sipping cocktails with no distractions
11. In five years time you hope to be....?
Sitting on a beach, sipping cocktails with no distractions! Happy, healthy, and still sane :)

Tegans questions....

How long have you been blogging? Since May, so 7 months.
What was the first Blog you read? I think Fat Mum Slim was the first, I am sure there were ones before that but thats the first one I remember.
How did you come up with the name for your Blog? My nick name is chook, and I am a mum, so One Mother Hen it was.
Summer or Winter? I hate being cold, so I would have to say Summer.
How do you start your day? Coffee!! Before or after sorting out two girls, depends who gets up first!
One thing you couldn't live without? The internet.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, who is one person you would like to be stuck with? Bear grylls!!!
Your favourite indulgence food? Chocolate
Do you blog to a schedule? No not particularly, I do schedule posts for Wordless Wednesdays though without fail.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Where I am right now, at home.
Are you ready for Christmas? Yes, I think so! I do have a couple of things to do, but I am doing them later in the week. 
I am going against the rules and not passing it on, finding 44 blogs to nominate and then notify them is just ridiculous. Plus I have two other blog awards, a Sunshine and Beautiful blog awards to pass on as well which I will choose blogs for.........eventually!! :)

Thank you again to Rita, Robyn, Victoria and Tegan :)

A late inclusion(just to make it extra ridonculous) is thanks to Ann at Help!! I'm stuck!! for handing back the one I gave her.

Friday, December 21, 2012


So much happened. Here is just some of it.

Fat Mum Slim started the phenominal photo a day challenge. A friend posted that first January list and I haven't been able to stop. However the past couple of months I have been waning, playing catch up every few days. I have however come this far and I am determined to finish off the year. God help me if Chantelle keeps it going, it will be hard to resist but I may have to give it a break.
remember this?!

We travelled a lot at the start of the year. Over the March long weekend we went to Warnambool and spent some time at the Port Fairy folk festival on the way home. It was as hot as hell, we loved every minute. Live music, markets. We are planning to do it again next year, I hope the weather is a bit milder though.

Me, mum and the girls spent easter at my sister Sophies over in Gippsland VIC. It was the first long trip Summer had been on. She was great in the car over and we had a fantastic time.

We went on a road trip in May to Arno Bay, to see Bretts dad John, and I am so glad we did. He got to meet little Summer for the first time. On the way home we stayed in Adelaide and visited the zoo, we had an awesome little holiday.

The month of May, was the month, for some crazy reason, I started to blog! It has opened up a whole new world, and I am having fun, and being creative. I've met so many different people and the way they look at life, I am learning new things about all kinds of stuff. I am showing people my life and hopefully people are learning stuff from me. What ever that is!!

Sadly we said goodbye to John in June, he would have turned 90 in October. He was a proud man, with a dry sense of humour, and as politically incorrect as they come. 

Again in July we said farewell to a loved one, our dog of ten years, Rosie. We had an emotional burial in our garden, Jake, his girlfriend Jo and I stood blubbering while Brett filled in the hole. Sad. After the fireworks at this years show I thought of her, she would have been turning in her grave. She used to hide under our blankets (Brett is a big softy) and cry the entire time they were on.

I went and bought a couple of chooks in July, much to Bretts dismay. Lo and behold a month later he went and bought another one. Izzy was very excited and exclaimed to everyone "We got CHOOKS!". The red chook is as broody as all hell this week, so I have gotten some fertile eggs from a friend and she is sitting on them. We should have little chicks soon, Izzy has been telling everyone we have baby chickens....
We welcomed a new dog too, Buzz.  Bought from the Millicent show petting zoo last month. He is chewing on everything!!
I turned the big 4-0 in September, celebrated with family and friends for a night out to dinner. 

Summer turned 1 in November, she has just started walking in the past week. She celebrated her birthday with her sister Izzy, who turned 3, two days later. My heart swells every morning when I see there smiling faces, I am so blessed with my two little characters. Even though though they manage to shit me at some stage in my day, they make me laugh and smile and I love them to bits.

November was the month I gave up smoking too, I was ready. I am doing well.

Brett changed jobs early in the year, only to be laid off due to the Gunns collapse. Things aren't going so well in the timber industry in our part of the world. He began working for my brothers, carting scrap metal, in October and is still there. We had his christmas work do last weekend, this is me just before I walked out the door. We took the kids, it was just dinner at the local, shouted by the boss(s), my twin brothers. Was a good night.

The year has gone so fast, flashed past it seems in the blink of an eye. I am looking forward to 2013, ready to face it head on and excited for what it may bring. I am hopeful too that you will all follow along with me as I stumble through. 

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Like my bauble name tags, nifty hey.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gold Bunny


Aussie Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

power nap ponderings

The girls had full drink bottles, sitting quietly, watching some tv. My eyes felt heavy, my brain foggy, I found myself heading down the hallway, I'll just lay down for a bit.
I flopped belly down on the bed, drew my arms up under my head and closed my eyes. I heard  an airplane flying overhead ,the droning sound of a car cruising slowly down the street. I wondered how quiet it would be without these noises. The background noise of the tv came into earshot. I think of times in history when these noises wouldn't have existed, the 'olden days'.

In leiu of cars and planes, the clip-clop of horses hooves and the wheels of carts and coaches may have been heard. 

I turn my attention to the sounds that were left. The chirping of birds, the soft fluttering and tapping of the curtains hitting the woodwork of the window. Very comforting sounds. I feel myself sinking into sleep. My thoughts wander to how women washed their children. A small metal bath and a washcloth. 

What felt like half an hour, was hardly ten minutes, powerful all the same, I am woken with loud running steps and a urgent voice, "I need a poo!".

I dragged myself from the bed, I didn't expect that I would lay there long anyway, but I got what I needed. To just lay, quietly, in my own thoughts for more than five minutes. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Orange Salad

It's as simple as
4 oranges, sliced into rounds
1 small onion, thinly sliced

you can add 
 100gr olives
or pistacchio nuts

try this dressing
  1/2 cup olive oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2 tspn cumin
1/2 tspn sweet paprika
Orange and Beetroot Salad 
8 baby beets (canned), cut into wedges
2 oranges, segmented
1/2 onion, sliced thinly
with this dressing
1 Tblsp balsamic vinegar or red wine vinegar
2 Tblsp olive oil
2 Tblspn fresh mint

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What happened on the 12/12/12

12 past 12 on the twelfth day of the twelfth month 2012


My no smoking reward came today. It's almost been four weeks since
I had my last fag. 

I'm a sucker for punishment. Tried to teach Izzy how to play Guess Who?
She is getting quite good at asking questions, still a little dodgy on
which people she flips down.