
Thursday, December 13, 2012

What happened on the 12/12/12

12 past 12 on the twelfth day of the twelfth month 2012


My no smoking reward came today. It's almost been four weeks since
I had my last fag. 

I'm a sucker for punishment. Tried to teach Izzy how to play Guess Who?
She is getting quite good at asking questions, still a little dodgy on
which people she flips down.


  1. Congratulations on quitting the smokes!!!! Well done.

    How funny is that 3rd pic when she's just hitting the water and giving her sister a face full of water!

  2. At exactly that time I was making devon sandwiches for the kids, riveting memorable stuff at my place!! Welldone on hitting the 4 week mark.

  3. cute way to document the day :) your kiddies are so adorable! I wonder if they know they are making history?

  4. Wow! What a scorcher! Looks like you had a fun day :) and yay for 4 weeks smoke free.

  5. Such a fun time! I only took a screenshot of my mobile during that time but great way to take a serie and commemorate the day!

    Ai @ <a href="> Sakura Haruka </a>

  6. Congrats on the non-smoking anniversary..the girls look like they had lots of fun on the slide

  7. Looks like an excellent day,despite the heat. And well done on the no-smoking. As an ex-smoker I totally get how hard it is and every milestone is worthy of a celebration. I used to get my nails done every month as my reward.

  8. Good on you!!! keep it going - you will never regret giving up the fags. I love the splashy pics - the girls look like they're having a ball, nice pic effect of the thermometre too.

  9. Definitely a day for some water play :) Congrats with the quitting smoking. You've earned every recipe in that cook book!

  10. Looks like fun :-)Great stuff, 4 weeks no smoking! You will have to share some of the great recipes you make from your new book.

  11. Congrats on your four weeks without cigarettes!

  12. Congratulations on your four weeks fag free.

  13. Cute pics. Congrats on quitting! Chookas for the rest of the smoke-free journey.


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