
Friday, December 21, 2012


So much happened. Here is just some of it.

Fat Mum Slim started the phenominal photo a day challenge. A friend posted that first January list and I haven't been able to stop. However the past couple of months I have been waning, playing catch up every few days. I have however come this far and I am determined to finish off the year. God help me if Chantelle keeps it going, it will be hard to resist but I may have to give it a break.
remember this?!

We travelled a lot at the start of the year. Over the March long weekend we went to Warnambool and spent some time at the Port Fairy folk festival on the way home. It was as hot as hell, we loved every minute. Live music, markets. We are planning to do it again next year, I hope the weather is a bit milder though.

Me, mum and the girls spent easter at my sister Sophies over in Gippsland VIC. It was the first long trip Summer had been on. She was great in the car over and we had a fantastic time.

We went on a road trip in May to Arno Bay, to see Bretts dad John, and I am so glad we did. He got to meet little Summer for the first time. On the way home we stayed in Adelaide and visited the zoo, we had an awesome little holiday.

The month of May, was the month, for some crazy reason, I started to blog! It has opened up a whole new world, and I am having fun, and being creative. I've met so many different people and the way they look at life, I am learning new things about all kinds of stuff. I am showing people my life and hopefully people are learning stuff from me. What ever that is!!

Sadly we said goodbye to John in June, he would have turned 90 in October. He was a proud man, with a dry sense of humour, and as politically incorrect as they come. 

Again in July we said farewell to a loved one, our dog of ten years, Rosie. We had an emotional burial in our garden, Jake, his girlfriend Jo and I stood blubbering while Brett filled in the hole. Sad. After the fireworks at this years show I thought of her, she would have been turning in her grave. She used to hide under our blankets (Brett is a big softy) and cry the entire time they were on.

I went and bought a couple of chooks in July, much to Bretts dismay. Lo and behold a month later he went and bought another one. Izzy was very excited and exclaimed to everyone "We got CHOOKS!". The red chook is as broody as all hell this week, so I have gotten some fertile eggs from a friend and she is sitting on them. We should have little chicks soon, Izzy has been telling everyone we have baby chickens....
We welcomed a new dog too, Buzz.  Bought from the Millicent show petting zoo last month. He is chewing on everything!!
I turned the big 4-0 in September, celebrated with family and friends for a night out to dinner. 

Summer turned 1 in November, she has just started walking in the past week. She celebrated her birthday with her sister Izzy, who turned 3, two days later. My heart swells every morning when I see there smiling faces, I am so blessed with my two little characters. Even though though they manage to shit me at some stage in my day, they make me laugh and smile and I love them to bits.

November was the month I gave up smoking too, I was ready. I am doing well.

Brett changed jobs early in the year, only to be laid off due to the Gunns collapse. Things aren't going so well in the timber industry in our part of the world. He began working for my brothers, carting scrap metal, in October and is still there. We had his christmas work do last weekend, this is me just before I walked out the door. We took the kids, it was just dinner at the local, shouted by the boss(s), my twin brothers. Was a good night.

The year has gone so fast, flashed past it seems in the blink of an eye. I am looking forward to 2013, ready to face it head on and excited for what it may bring. I am hopeful too that you will all follow along with me as I stumble through. 

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Like my bauble name tags, nifty hey.


  1. Merry Christmas to you! It's tough times in the job front at the moment that's for sure. Losing a dog is like losing a family member. I cried for days when our little family jack Russell died a few years ago.

  2. What a busy year. I wanted to do the Photo in a Day challenge but never have got around to it. A merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Yours too. I have been crazy addicted to posting a photo a day all year!

  3. You have a beautiful life Alicia. How cool is it to have fresh eggs from your own yard. All the very best for Christmas. May all your Christmas wishes come true.

  4. I want chooks too but hubby is not impressed! Such a busy year-look forward to seeing what brings for 2013

  5. I started the photo a day challenge in March and haven't looked back since! Congrats on turning 40! Welcome to the exclusive, fabulous club! :) x

    1. It is fabulous, what is best I don't feel a day over 39! So proud of myself, I have taken a photo a day all year!!

  6. Chickens! They are so much fun. And well done on staying off the smokes. Nothing like telling the world you've quit to motivate you! xx Danya

  7. What a year. I can't wait to follow you on your journey next year. Thanks for some great reading this year :-)
    Have an awesome Xmas

  8. We started blogging on the same month! Glad I came across your blog Alicia! Best wishes for the New Year and looking forward to read more of your posts!


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