
Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas with Barry Humphries

You would think, by the title, I was having christmas with a celebrity. But no, just my brother in law who happens to share his name with one. His wife Gayle is Bretts sister, we traveled to have christmas with them this year. 

We left on Christmas Eve and the girls were awesome on the way, for the five hour trip. We stopped at Meningie and ate the ham sandwiches I made that morning, Summer thought the seagulls needed hers more than she did. I was flabbergasted by the sight of a seagull downing a 1/4 of a ham and cheese sandwich whole! There was a one legged gull that hopped about and was doing pretty good hovering in front of me at head height, catching crusts in mid air. 

We stopped again in Mount Pleasant. Izzy stretched her legs in the playground, while I fed Summer. In previous trips, this always seems the place we get to until someone needs a booby feed.
Very annoying piano from auntie Carmen ;P

Dollies from Nanna Anne. Izzys is Gemima and Summers Esme.

Leaving on the Monday and not wanting to take all the presents with us, we opened most of them on Sunday morning, only taking a couple small ones for the kids with us. Brett opened the present with shorty pyjamas and a new cap from the girls and I opened mine, a new phone. 

Christmas day was as they always are, loud, happy and tiring. Too much food, good food. 
Jacko bought oysters from Eyre Peninsula. Brett smoked and slow roasted an apple juice infused pork leg.
Claire was late, she forgot that cars run on petrol and ran out, on her way out of Adelaide. That's our Claire.
I limped all day on my swollen foot, I had managed to get spider bitten the day before we left. It took 4 days for the swelling to go down and is still a bit sore at the bite, and annoyingly itchy.

A present from cousin Bonnie, and the sticky taped on
 tinsel earrings, her idea!
Izzys bed on the middle bunk in cabin 10.

We left homeward on Boxing Day after eating a bacon and egg breakfast, watching the first few overs of test cricket and saying goodbyes at Gayle and Barry's. Our stay at the Gawler caravan park in cabin number 10 was over. On the way home we visited the Monarto Zoo, had a late lunch at KFC at Murray Bridge and got home about 7 pm. 

Christmas Day reminds me a lot of weddings, so much planning and doing for one day, and then it's all over. Brett mentioned when we got home that he told someone we are having it at our house next year....I don't bloody think so!! There he goes opening his big mouth again.


  1. Sounds like a great Christmas - a lot of traveling, though!

    1. One thing thats not much fun with the kids, they get so stroppy on the way home and I vow never doing it again!

  2. That sounds good and gee are you brave travelling so far with kids!! Happy new year!!

    1. ps I will be back on wednesday to read all the posts I am not supposed to be on the computer!!

    2. Haha!! We drove to Qld when my eldest was 13 months and I will never do it again!!

  3. Sounds like a great time. I just loved the tinsel earrings. Clever idea that one. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses for a fabulous 2013

  4. Five hours is long for anyone. Amazing that the kiddos did ok. The seagull bit made me laugh. And I love the butterfly picture!! So cute! Happy New Year, Alicia!

    1. The kids were amazingly good on the way there, after the zoo on the way home they turned feral! Happy new year :)

  5. Ha ha, that sounds very busy. I so glad we don't have to travel during Xmas, well not yet, the kids are still too young (so I tell everyone)
    Great pics! Happy New Year's Eve - Emily

  6. It's the first time we have traveled for christmas for a while, so good to get home. Happy new year :)


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