
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

power nap ponderings

The girls had full drink bottles, sitting quietly, watching some tv. My eyes felt heavy, my brain foggy, I found myself heading down the hallway, I'll just lay down for a bit.
I flopped belly down on the bed, drew my arms up under my head and closed my eyes. I heard  an airplane flying overhead ,the droning sound of a car cruising slowly down the street. I wondered how quiet it would be without these noises. The background noise of the tv came into earshot. I think of times in history when these noises wouldn't have existed, the 'olden days'.

In leiu of cars and planes, the clip-clop of horses hooves and the wheels of carts and coaches may have been heard. 

I turn my attention to the sounds that were left. The chirping of birds, the soft fluttering and tapping of the curtains hitting the woodwork of the window. Very comforting sounds. I feel myself sinking into sleep. My thoughts wander to how women washed their children. A small metal bath and a washcloth. 

What felt like half an hour, was hardly ten minutes, powerful all the same, I am woken with loud running steps and a urgent voice, "I need a poo!".

I dragged myself from the bed, I didn't expect that I would lay there long anyway, but I got what I needed. To just lay, quietly, in my own thoughts for more than five minutes. 


  1. Such a lovely way to be woken up :/ hehehe. Glad you got a bit of time out, albeit 5 minutes :)

  2. I feel refreshed just listening to that story! Sorry about the way you were woken up, though! :)

  3. I love the sneak little nanna naps. I wish I could get them a little more often. Rachel xx

    1. Doesn't happen round here much at all, I snuck one in at just the right time.

  4. Glad you got to have those precious few minutes alone with your own thoughts. Had a chuckle at your wake up call though!

  5. oh such precious moments... but yes usually woken up by MUM POO!! or MUM SNACK!

  6. I usually feel worse after a nana nap!! Doesn't stop me though!!

  7. There's nothing like a nanna ... oops POWER ... nap!

  8. Hmmm, I could do with a snooze! Wonder if there's time? Alas more festive festivities in 14 mins....zzzzz

  9. Ahhh, it's always about poo! Poo spoils everything!

  10. It's amazing how much more rejuvenated we can be after a short 10 minutes. They're called power naps for a reason, I guess x

  11. Funny - I do the same sort of thing when I sneak a nap. I listen to sounds outside. Pity you didn't get more than 10 minutes.

  12. Oh, how I wish I could benefit from the power nap! I invariably feel more sluggish and dopey afterwards.

    Unfortunately, my background noises are likely to be my next-door neighbour's hideous musical tastes thump-thumping throughout the neighbourhood. No matter the hour. x

  13. Sometimes it's only ten minutes that we need, just to recharge our batteries and have some time out.
    You paint such a vivid image here of times gone past. It sounds just beautiful. xx

  14. Love power naps. They are magical! You describe it so well. :)

  15. Sometimes, this is all what you need! Power naps are magic!

  16. A little kip does the trick. And "I need a poo", is sooo much better than "I did a poo". :)

  17. Wow, I wish my power naps were like this....the waking to I need a poo, I am familiar with :)
    Becc via #ibot


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