
Friday, June 21, 2019

Recycling soft plastics like a ninja

I am finding myself becoming a bin ninja, in that it annoys the hell out of me, when someone in the house puts rubbish in the wrong bin. IT IS NOT HARD. LIke the time Boggy put his old sneakers in the recycling bin, or when he puts a cardboard packet in the waste bin. 

Fair enough it is not hard when you are properly informed. I really should properly educate the people in my house before getting all bent out of shape. 

There's been an ad on telly lately that has me now separating my soft plastics, and depositing them in a bin at our local supermarket. This is saving something that can be recycled from going to landfill.

They say if you can scrunch your soft plastics up into a ball it can be recycled. For example potato chip packets, bread bags, biscuit packets or snack bar wrappers, not forgetting to mention, the plastic bags you bring your fruit and veggies home in from the supermarket.

Furthermore, it has me repeating "Luuucyy!", complete with accent (which is clever by ad execs, think 'gogomobile') anytime I put any plastics in the soft plastics bag I have on top of the fridge. I am sure the kids are over it, but to my surprise they happily put their zooper dooper wrappers in there, so it's a case of teaching them young to recycle.

While the Which Bin campaign is South Australian initiative, you can visit the website to see which soft plastics you can recycle and where your closest soft plastics recycling bin is located.

Waste is a global problem, but you can start small, with what you can do at home. Think global, act local people.

How is your recycling game?

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  1. Super great tips. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. You're so good and dedicated! I must say that I have lost interest in recycling after I heard that most of it is ending up in landfill anyway. I still do it, but I just wonder how much of it is actually being recycled. Great tips though!

    1. I've heard and wonder about that too. It's a shame there isn't more done about making sure we have good recycling measures in place.

  3. Thanks for sharing...I do what I can to recycle. Not as well as you do!!

    Denyse x

  4. Thanks so much for this info - I'm not sure what rock I've been living under that I didn't know this was a thing. Finding a location for collecting soft plastics in our house IMMEDIATELY. =)


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