
Thursday, June 20, 2019

ICAD 2019 - Week 2

Still going strong in week 2 with the creativity, however I am finding it hard some days to fit it in, so have been doing catch ups. Not finding it a chore at all, I am enjoying the opportunity to create.

I love the freedom to be able to use any medium I have on hand and just go with what comes into mind with the days prompt. I am finding things around the house or garden for that matter to help me be creative, like autumn leaves or things from the kids toy box!

Paint chips, sharpies and water colour paint are again featuring this year. My stash of wool and fabric are coming in handy also. 

I wonder what the next week will bring!

Day 8 Goggles - Sharpie and coloured pencil

Day 9 - Macaron Water colour paint, paint chip cards and pencil

Day 10 Sapphire - Water colour paint using a cutter from the kids playdoh tub
Day 11  Palm - Water colour paint and sharpie

Day 12 Tapestry - water colour paint and wool embroidery

Day 13 Balcony - water colour paint

Day 14 Thread - raided the fabric box and got busy on the sewing machine


  1. How much fun is this? I love the goggles the best, but also thread, palm trees & those paint chip macarons. #teamlovinlife

  2. These all look great and I love the palm tree although I really do love them all. Great job and so creative. #lovinlifelinky

  3. So much fun! I love the goggles too!

    SSG xxx

  4. What fun! Love them all. Makes me realise I need to start getting more creative myself. I have so much trouble though trying to fit everything in a day that I want to do! #TeamLovinLife


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