
Monday, June 24, 2019

Lake George, Beachport SA

We spent the best part of Sunday of the June long weekend at Lake George near Beachport. It was mums birthday, and she joined us for a barbeque lunch. Although it was cold, the sun was out which provided us with a beautiful day. Uncle George dropped in for a G'day as well.

The lake is salt water and is fed from a drain from the sea, when the drain is open. There are fish in the lake, known as Lake George mullet, and they are delicious!! We did have a go at fishing with rods, but the water in this part of the lake is not deep, so we weren't lucky this day. You can use nets on the lake if you have a permit.

The girls experienced their first kayaking adventure. Izzy is a real adventurer and went out with her dad. Summer went out with her sister later on, and did amazing after an unco start. 

The girls had a great day playing around the lake although I did bin their leggings at the end of the day and was grateful they wore rubber boots!

This section of the lake is about five kilometres out of Beachport on the Lake George road. There are toilets here, with a camp ground located nearby, which would make for a perfect camping getaway when the weather is good.

The birdlife is abundant, which is fantastic to see. The black Eurasian Coots are amazing the way they pitter patter along the surface of the water when they are startled. It is one of their identifying traits along with their white beaks. There were black swans there as well. It was good to see seagulls at the lake, in their natural habitat, hovering above the water, before diving down for small fish. It is refreshing after experiencing them scabbing for chips and food in town.




  1. these are fab photos - I tried to pick a fave and actually couldn't decide...although leaning towards the first one and the coots flying one. Your portraits though are also great. I'd never heard of this lake, so thank you. Have a great week.

  2. What a lovely post with fun adventures shared! The birdlife looks amazing :) #lifethisweek

  3. That looks lovely. I am not usually a fan of lakes as they're murky and you have no idea what's at the bottom or how long the water's been 'still' (if that makes sense) but coming from the sea I think would be much better!

  4. Such a natural wonderland where you live and explore Alicia! Lovely shots. Glad you are out and about with the camera again too.
    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek and next week's optional prompt is Worst Job. Hope to see you link up again. Denyse.

  5. Is that salt and not snow??? THat's amazing!

  6. That looks like a fantastic place! And it appears as though you may have had it all to yourselves!


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