
Monday, July 23, 2018

What I haven't shared on social media

There's no huge scoops or secrets here. I've just been a bit quiet. School holidays, busy doing all the things and not necessarily sharing all the things.

The alarm is though set for 6:30 am for school to start and I am back to work for another term of gymnastics coaching. Totally ready.

I am forever finding photos like this on my phone. Warms my heart. Crazy kids.
Ghostly makings with tissues. 

Taking yet another requested photo. Spoilt cat. It meows at her window in the mornings to be let in. Does my head in, but in comes the cat, through her bedroom window for a quick cuddle until it realises the head chef hasn't yet served her meal.

Local library school holiday activities. Making shit that lives on the kitchen table for a week then gets thrown out. Always fun to take part in. 

Face painting. Those eyes. The girls did each other. I can't even remember what Summer did to Izzy.

This one is constantly nagging me to be more grown up than she is. In the school holidays I let her dye her hair. Not permanantly of course. She was a little miffed when this washed out in a couple of washes. I am constantly reminded how my mum waffled on about what lovely hair I had when I was young, and why would I ever dye it? Children have the most amazing highlights that we all pay a pretty penny for, to get when we're older. I can see Mums point now.

My early morning breakfasts before the people wake. Poached eggs on sour dough toast, with ricotta, feta, spinach, avocado and spring onion. It's a fave at the moment.

A friend showed Isabel how to knit. She lost interest, but it ignited that time my Gran tried to teach me. I am at knitting squares to make a blanket...

There was a party down the road, this turned up in our trees the next day. The kids had to retrieve and bring it inside. 

Joining in and sharing at Denyse Whelen's Blog for #lifethisweek


  1. The photo of your daughter and the cat is very sweet. Have a great week!

  2. What a gorgeous selection of pics Alicia. Our cat also meows at the window upstairs and goes in and out via it. So cute!

  3. Love the little things - and they do want to grow up too fast!!

  4. You are going to love that you have made these memories and more. It's like a time capsule of seeing your daughters grow before your very eyes. Thanks for linking up over at my blog too. Hope back to school and gymnastics goes well. Denyse xx

  5. I remember when my kids were smaller and I would find random selfies on my phone. I miss those days. Now that they are teenagers, they are camera averse. Have a great week.

  6. hope your back to school week is fun for all!

  7. I've tried to learn to crochet but I'm not making any progress!

  8. The school holidays seem to go so fast these days! Lovely photos.

  9. Oh. That cat looks so damn happy in your daughters arms. Love that.

  10. Oh I love these photos....the little magic moments in every day. REally LOVE that breakfast! I'm lucky to stuff down two weetbix with some warm milk in the mornings.

  11. The tissue ghosts look cute but the masks are scary. Love the picture of your daughter with the kitten - so sweet.

  12. Such a cute post! Thank you for sharing this peek into your life! That breakfast of yours looks delicious and I have not eaten eggs may be on my menu this morning! And kids and their pets...just too cute!



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