
Monday, July 16, 2018

Wattle Range Photographic competition 2018

The Wattle Range council photo competition is on again. I attended the opening, on the evening of the 6th of July at the Millicent library gallery. I've chucked a link to the librarys facebook page so you can have a look at some of the winning entries. 

There were over 400 photos entered from 74 photographers. It is wonderful to have our council area on show like this, and I believe we are the only council area in South Australia who has a competition exhibition, where photographs are used in a free council calendar.

Photographs entered must be taken within our local council area, with several categories of entry, like people, business and industry, black and white and landscape.

I didn't get any prizes for my photographs, so many amazing photographers in our region. I do enjoy entering and being a part of it. I enjoy putting my perspective of our council area in with the mix. Community is so important and I am proud of our community and what our area of South Australia has to offer. 

Photographs from the competition are chosen to feature in our local council calender for the following year. These are my entries I put in for this year. I was lucky to have a couple of photos in this years calendar, so hoping I'll see a couple of these in the 2019 calendar!


  1. Congrats on having some of your photos in this year's calendar. Best of luck for your photos to be selected for 2019 calendar, too.

  2. Love seeing your images. Great array here! Denyse x

  3. Your photos are always amazing! Fingers crossed you get some included in the 2019 calendar!


  4. Good on you for trying Alicia! I always enjoy reading your posts and looking at your images. You definitely have an eye for it.
    Our daughter in year 12 has come second place in two top Australian (one international) photography competitions now. We are so proud of her achievements.
    I also love photography. Keep entering. x

  5. a gorgeous set of photos! Fx for calendar selection.

  6. Lovely photos. All the best for the calendar. Such a good idea. I think the B&W photo is my favourite.

  7. What a fun event to be a part of! Your photos are beautiful.



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