
Monday, July 30, 2018

Memories with the olds

I would give anything to go back thirty five years. Sitting in a cinema in Mount Gambier at the age of ten, about to watch ET for the first time. One of the few times I ever went to see a movie at the movie theatre as a child.

I don't remember if both my parents were there, I wish I had a better recollection. I do recall crying like a baby though. That little alien got me good!


On Saturday night I went to the theatre to see Mamma Mia 2. My father seated on one side and my mum on the other. I never thought this would make me emotional, but it did! I realised then, that this was the first time since I was a child I had been in this situation, and it brought a tear to my eye. It happened at the beginning of the feature, and thank goodness the lights were out. Here's this weirdo with tears in her eyes at the start of a movie.

I am the oldest of five, and for the first time in 44 years, I was sitting in a theatre with my parents all to MYSELF, and it felt special. By the time I was five, I had four siblings, so alone time with just me and the olds after the age of one was pretty rare!

Well, towards the end of the movie, Mamma Mia had got me good too! That I guess, is what happens when you go to the movies in a fragile state. You get emotional at all the shit. I was doing the sly eye wipe. Dad was too, god love his precious soul. I can see where I get my big softie sook genes from.

When mum had mentioned she was going, I jumped on board quickly. This was my opportunity to get out of the house away from my husband and kids, YES! Even the checkout lady at the cheap shop was saying YES, when she heard me and mum talking about in front of her, the day before.

I am so glad I went and spent this time with my olds, doing old people shit like going out ot dinner at the RSL after a movie. I should have stayed out longer and told mum to drop me off at the pub before dropping me off at home, because it wasn't much fun coming home to a trashed house and the kids still not in bed.

You can't have it all. What I had sitting in that theatre with my mum and dad was pretty close to it though.


  1. What a lovely post!! Sometimes the smallest things are filled with pleasure and nostalgia and feel luxurious

  2. So sweet Alicia. Such a simple moment and so memorable. It always pays to delay returning home to kids! I do it all the time and it’s guilt-free. We deserve to take the time-out.

  3. How lovely this was to read. I am so glad you did some more memory-making. As for going home with a THUD...not the way the story should have ended. Loved that this outing was so special for you. I was scared of ET (and I don't think my then young son liked it much either)...takes all kinds hey! Denyse x

  4. I bet you parents loved the rare moments they had just you with them, too. Thanks for sharing.

  5. A great read, thanks for sharing. Memories are so important.

  6. I don't think I've been to the movies with my Dad since I was a little kid and funnily enough, he took me to see ET!

  7. That's so beautiful. I spend a lot of time with my parents cause I'm a big Mummy's (and Daddy's) girl. But I haven't been to the movies with them! Will definitely make that happen when the Downton Abbey movie comes out.

  8. Precious moments. Glad you got the opportunity to spend time with them.

  9. Alicia, I love this post so much! You are still creating memories with your mom and dad and that is so special. And now I have tears in my eyes missing my parents! Thank you for sharing this special moment with us!


    1. Alicia, I know you only like one post per person linked up, but I linked one this morning, then got inspired by your post to write a new one today and I wanted to share that one with you as well. So I am linking up a second one. But please feel free to delete one of them so I am not the jerk who violated the link up rules! I would delete it myself, but it doesn't give that option. Any way, thanks so much for inspiring me today! I hope you enjoy my post!


  10. Popping over from Shelbee's post. It's so fabulous that you get to spend time with your parents this way.
    That's exactly why I showcase my mom (and stepmom) on my blog!!
    I added a link to the party too!!

  11. I've just recently become a mother, and I think it's made me appreciate my own mum so much more. I find myself wanting to spend more time with her and appreciate her now, whereas in the past I would have been much more impatient. Times like this, just going to the movies, I need to still treasure while I have a chance.


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