
Monday, December 11, 2017

Spinach, mango and mint salad

I was in Beachport almost two weeks ago, delivering thank you letters to businesses who'd donated to our recent gym club super raffle. I don't get to Beachport a hell of a lot, but when I do I like to pop by and have a quick look out the front of the National Trust museum in the main drag.

They have a little stall with second hand books, plants, garden produce and a bit of bric a brac. Nothing too fancy, but worth a sticky beak. I found some Bromeliad plants and a cute little pocket size Christmas cook book. Lots of good little recipes in it, including a salad recipe. It basically called for tropical fruit, and what better tropical fruit at this time of year, than mangoes! When I think of mangoes, I immediately think of the juice running down my chin while I get every last bit off the pit in the middle.

While I was doing exactly that standing over the sink, I said, out loud, to myself, "Where's a teething baby when you need one!" They would LOVE that shit!

Back to the Christmas recipe book, and I would love to share the salad that I made from it. Perfect for Christmas lunch! It would go great with prawns and ham.

You will need:
  • 60 gram bag of baby spinach
  • 1/2 cucumber, sliced in half moons
  • 2 sticks celery, sliced

Mix these ingredients together and then toss with a vinaigrette. You can make your own vinaigrette by mixing 
  • 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar, or any vinegar you have
  • 3 teaspoons of olive oil, or vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper
Finish the salad, by garnishing it with
  • 1 sliced, or diced, mango
  • a handful of mint leaves
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries

I love the colours of this salad, so Christmassy!


  1. This looks very tasty Alicia. Good score! I have only just begun to prep for Christmas.

    1. My sister is hosting Christmas this year and I am taking a few things to help out, this salad will be one of them :)

  2. Mangoes are my friend...I can eat them toothless because they slide easily down my throat. Mind you my other challenge is to pick a sufficiently ripe one! I do hope you are planning a creative cook recipe book my friend!! Denyse xx

  3. My teething baby loves mangoes! Infact they're her only safe food at the moment {with all her allergies etc}. I'll have to try this salad because it's one I can actually eat on all my restrictions.

  4. I'd have to make this sans mint (I hate mint) but it looks perfect for a hot day (we're bracing ourselves for a hot week here in Eastern NSW so this could be a side dish for later in the week!)

  5. Any salad with mango in it is a winner in my eyes!


  6. I LOVE mangoes and so do half my family so they never last long enough to put in a salad. It looks and sounds good, though!

  7. Looks so yummy! I love mangoes and so far, the only salad I tried it in was a mango, chicken and spinach salad with chilli. Must try this one soon :)

  8. This looks amazing Pinning for later.


  9. This would be the perfect fresh salad for Christmas Day. I love mangoes!

    Di from Max The Unicorn


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