
Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas garden art - painted tree stumps

They are supposed to be reindeer. I drilled holes in the top and inserted twigs to look like antlers.

I only usually do crafty, creative shit when I am inspired, and my most recent creative flair comes from these painted tree stumps I saw on Facebook during the week. I am not entirely sure it was even from the page I have linked here, I don't think it was. 

I know I am guilty of it in my earlier days of social media sharing, and probably even recently. But people sharing other peoples stuff on social media, and not crediting the original poster shits me. I even saw it over the weekend, a popular page sharing a pile of washing adorned with christmas lights as thier own photo. Most of their followers asumed it WAS thier photo, and if I hadn't seen it a couple of hours earlier on the original posters page, I would have thought it was thiers. An act of cunning. Facebook is a fickle and deceiving place. 

God knows, most of the photos I post are when things are good, things are pretty and I'm putting the best forward. There is plenty of shit times round here, where I am stressed, swearing like a sailor and crying in the dishwater(because I still wash dishes in an actual sink). I am not exactly reaching for the phone at these times, believe me. I am reaching to flick the kettle switch or for a wine glass. Mostly the latter. Depends on which side of Friday it is.

I don't know about you, but the last week for me has been exhausting. A couple of late nights and I have been fucked. It seems like everyone has wanted their piece of me, and their hasn't been much time for me to pause and catch up. I am so looking forward to not having to be responsibly forced to be up and organised for six weeks. 

I was inspired yesterday, the weather was fabulous and my creative juices were in flood mode. I hit the cheap shop for paint and brushes and got busy in the driveway, decorating the left over stumps from our tree removing from last yearThe white agapanthus have relished with the extra sunshine!

I painted three of the stumps and used a few slats from the pallet cubby our neighbour has built for his kids. I am not sure of who actually owns this strip of garden, us or the neighbours, it's like no man's land. I think there is an unspoken truce of halfies. At least thats how I look at it. 


  1. painted stumps are such a clever idea! I don't think I've got anything big enough in the front yard, but I'm going to check out the backyard, the kids will love this idea!

    1. The post I got the idea from was using smaller logs of wood, any size tree stump would do :)

  2. I love this idea but I do detest how original ideas are rarely credited on fb. I always try to share the direct source of content I find but it can be nearly impossible sometimes when there are so many versions flying about. Facebook is indeed rather cunning in that way. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year Alicia!

    1. Oh you have a wonderful Christmas and new year too x

  3. What a great idea! Looks so cute. I never think of stuff like that. Have a wonderful Christmas and hope you get a chance to relax xo

  4. I cannot like this idea more! Go you when you are creative. Loved seeing this. Agapanthus always means Christmas is here! Have a great one dear Alicia. My link up is baaaack on 1. 1.18! Thank you for sharing your posts and having this linky too. Denyse xx

  5. I saw this on your Instagram this morning and love the idea! The Snowman is super cute!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

    1. i forgot too give the snowman a mouth! But there is a crack right where it should be, so meh, that will have to do :)

  6. That is BRILLIANT!!! You're so clever!

  7. No way that is GOLD, bet the kids just love it! xx

    1. they were out while i did it, even the kids next door so they did get a surprise when they got home. I hope it brings a smile to all that see it :)

  8. Oh my goodness! The painted stumps are adorable no matter where the idea came from! If I had stumps, I would be painting them now, too.



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