
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Super moon distraction

Monday night was the rising of the last super moon for 2017. In our neck of the woods in South Australia, at 8:55 pm to be exact.

At this time of night I am usually settled in front of the telly with a wine in hand. Sitting drinking wine in the evening stops me from doing loads of things I could be doing, and I have just gotten into the habit I think, because that is me time. It's my time to just sit, but I've associated that time to drinking wine.

While having me time is a good thing, it just so happens that drinking most nights isn't so good. So I am on a mission to try and change that. 

In the past I have found that replacing one vice with another is usually the way to go. Or not...cigarettes instead of pot...tea instead of cigarettes(which I suppose was good, and no I didn't smoke the tea!)...

Coffee connoisseurs will gasp at the thought, but I've just bought some fake coffee. Coffee has NEVER really agreed with me, and I am not a drinker, but I actually am not minding a cup or two of this. Last night I made a mocha with it as I sat to watch Jamie Oliver and my SBS fix, Struggle Street. Did the trick...

Back to Monday night, Isabel and I jumped int he car and drove out of town a little, up on a hill and waited for the moon to rise. I don't have all the right equipment to properly shoot a super moon or any moon for that fact, but had some good practice for when I am the owner of a decent tripod and an appropriate lens. It was a great evening out with my eldest daughter, until she started complaining to go. I am sure it is the complaint of many a photographers family member., forced to stay until every photograph has been taken.

This is classic funny Izzy, pulling faces for the camera


  1. Love your pics. I'm the same as you in that I tend to replace one addictive habit with another. I'm trying to reduce my wine during the week too - it's a habit to reach for the bottle once the work day is done, so I'm trying to either delay the first glass or do something else entirely. #TeamLovinLife

    1. It is just a habit, and I need to form new ones. Good ones!!

  2. I hear you, I'm trying to stop drinking wine most nights too...but it makes me feel so good! Great photos!

  3. Stunning pictures and I saw the moon on Sunday or Tuesday night at my place (wasn't there Monday night) from my bathroom and it was really lighting up the sky where I live - so much so I noticed how light it looked outside!

    And yes, I need to drink less / less often. I do have alcohol free nights occasionally but it's pretty random! #teamlovinlife

    1. Sunday night I noticed here, how light it was outside!

  4. I always slip into bad habits, like a sherry while cooking dinner or chocolate for snacks. I guess there are 2 sides to my brain - I love being healthy but there again, you only live once haha x #lovinlifelinky

  5. Amazing lighting at that time of day. My main vices are chocolate and sugar!


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