
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Lake McIntyre in spring time

This is one of the best places in town to get back to nature, especially in Spring time. I wouldn't leave the camera home, as there is so much beauty to capture.

I love seeing the changing environment, the birdlife, flowers, and also the changing levels of water. I've said it before, this has been one of the wettest years and we are just getting some nice spring weather now (thank you mother nature), so the lake has plenty of water.


  1. Oh what a fabulous spot for photos. Spring is just a stunning time of the year.

    1. I love that Spring is so full of new life and renewal. There are lots of baby birds like swans there too at the moment, I couldn't get close enough though. What I need is a zoom lens for my camera!

  2. Lovely to see Spring as I'm going through Autumn. I have a bottle brush bush at my house in Portugal.

  3. The flowers are stunning, beautiful photos.

  4. Gosh I've been slack on commenting recently, I do read all your posts as they come in my inbox... but just wanted to say hi and I'm still around, just so bad at commenting - Em xx

  5. Your photos are beautiful! I miss spring. Out here it's fall and winter is just a few short weeks away.


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