
Monday, November 14, 2016

Five and seven

Yes, I'm the mega flukist. All of my kids are born in the same week in November. 

My girls turned five and seven during last week, and my son turns 24 today. 

Isabel and Summer were born two years and two days apart. This means joint birthday parties every year, getting the celebrations done and dusted in one fell swoop.

I can't lay claim to any of these photos. Luckily I had good peops who womanned my camera while I was otherwise occupied for two hours of craziness. 

I did manage to sit down for moments to drink a glass of wine and to scoff some cheese and crackers. How I love cheese.

The cakes were easy this year. Summer was happy with a Shopkins cupcakes, all made from a packet mix.

The day before I had no idea what Isabel's cake was going to be. I baked a buttercake slab and cut out a number seven. Thankfully she was happy and even helped decorate with the sugar sprinkles and wafer flowers. 

All over and done with for another year. 

Sharing with Denyse


  1. That's a very cute cake, you clever thing!!

    1. Not bad for a last minute effort and a couple glasses of wine for courage :)

  2. They look very happy with their cakes Alicia! So strange that they are all in the same week. Great to get it all over at once.

    1. Yep. We need a birthday club account as well as Christmas!

  3. Very clever of you to have all their birthdays so close together! I love the look of the 7 cake!


    1. It turned out pretty well. Isabel put the pink sprinkles and flowers on.

  4. Love the happy faces and the cakes! As for why all your kids are November babies...there must be something wonderful about February for you!! LOL. My hub is a Feb born baby and I am a November one. In the same year. I joke that he was being born, I was being 'made' as we are 9 months 3 days apart LOL.

    1. A lot of people have made the connection with February, especially about Valentines Day! It must be a fertile month for me!

  5. Wow, nice work.... all in the same week! A busy week, but then it's done. ;) Those cakes look scrumptious and the pin the tail on the donkey board is so gorgeous!

    1. It was only a couple of dollars from the supermarket. The kids loved it.

  6. They really grow up fast don't they?! The 7 cake looks amazing!! #MummyMondays

  7. Your daughters are just GORGEOUS! A belated happy birthday to them! I didn't realise you had such a gap between your son and your girls. What am I like? My youngest turned 8 on the 2nd. He had a laser tag party which is a bit noisy and bleurrgghh, but that's what he wanted. And I suppose it's easier than having a home party when you're a scatterbrain like me!

    And yay for CAKE!

    1. Aaaw thankyou Ness...they take after me :P

      It was a busy couple of hours, lots of noise!

  8. Oh, on one hand that would be stressful - having so many birthdays to organise at once - but it also means there's only a week or two of each year you have to worry about it all!

  9. Happy Birthday to your girls and older son! Sounds like our September where we have lots of family Birthdays, too! :)

    1. My hubby and I are in September, as well as our wedding anniversary, so busy for us too. Stands to reason why 9 and 11 are my fave numbers :)

  10. Such cuties! Oh to be 7 or 5 again!

  11. Wow big week in your house! The good old number cake has often been my go-to as well. Especially for my son. Most numbers lend themselves to being a damn good racetrack! Just add matchbox cars and we're set. My first time linking today! Thanks for the opportunity. :-)

  12. The number cake is great. I used to work in a cake shop for a number of years and I sold many of them in my time there. :)

  13. Happy Birthday to your kids! Thank you for the opportunity to link up with #openslather - today I wrote about selling specific "wine for women" and "wine for men" and why I think that is wrong. We don't need genderisation of wine! What do you think? Cheers, Louise @

  14. Still trying to work out if it is a good or a bad thing to have all the birthdays in one month? Either way, November is a good month for birthdays. Happy birthday to your kids.

    1. My body clock obviously thinks so! It's a busy time of year with so much going on, why not make it more crazy!

  15. Happy 7th birthday to your girl...

  16. I love the cake AND the party games! Reminds me of when I was a kid :)

    1. Birthday parties are not the same without games! Pass the parcel and pin the tail are favourites :)

  17. Having fun celebrating with family is making marvelous memories for our kids. Love pin the tail on the donkey.

  18. Wow...all birthdays in one month and the girls so close together? It is good though being able to have just one parents did that for some years as my sister and I are in Feb and Jan respectively. The cakes look yummy!

  19. Love the seven cake; a great idea. My man's birthday is Christmas Eve. A hard one. He says, as a child, he would get one gift ... "Oh, it's for your birthday too." When he had young children, he spent his birthday putting swing sets and slippery slides together in the dark. Since we've been together I try to make a big deal of his birthday. Aerobatic rides in bi-planes, drives around the race track in V8 Super cars. This year is the big 60, so we'll try to gather his children, his mum and step-dad and a few close friends for a night of food and drinks.


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