
Monday, November 21, 2016

My morning rituals

I don't know about you, but I most definitely have a morning ritual.

On school days, it starts by turning my phone alarm off, which I leave on the kitchen bench. It means I have to actually get OUT of bed and walk to the kitchen, where my routine starts. This is intermingled with packing bags for school and feeding animals. If I am lucky the kids aren't awake yet and I can do most of that in peace.

A lot of the morning tasks are ritual, like opening the curtains, putting the kettle on and usually, going to the loo.

Whatever order I do things in, there are three things that I do (for myself) religiously every morning.
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Drink hot water and lemon juice.

This is the first thing I do in the morning. Every morning. It's habit.

Drinking warm lemon water is supposed to aid digestion, be good for the immune system and liver. Lord knows my liver could do with all the help it can get!

What I do know is, it keeps me regular! Which must be good for my colon too (a little extra information you probably didn't want to know). Lemon juice contains Vitamins C and B6. With my history of depression and anxiety, the B6 is important. 

I squeeze half a lemon's worth of juice into a mug, then fill with hot water from the tap. It's at this time that I take my multi vitamins too.

Make a herbal tea

I have never been much of a coffee drinker, and when I was, I felt sluggish and weighed down. It just doesn't agree with me I don't think. That's not to say that I never have coffee. I was bought one the other day, by someone who didn't know my tendency for tea, so I drunk it anyway. Every now and then is OK with me, it's just not one of my habitual drinks.

I do however drink a lot of herbal tea!

Straight after I've had my lemon drink, I make a cuppa tea. Sometimes it's drunk while perusing Facebook, or making lunches for school, or watching the morning news. It depends how much time I have on my hands or whether the kids are up yet.

Eat breakfast

I always make and eat breakfast. My staple breakfast is porridge, with added goodness like pumpkin seeds, LSA, coconut and sesame seeds. Sometimes some dried or fresh fruit.

I always seem to fit it in before school drop off, even if it's a quick piece of toast or some fruit and yogurt. Porridge seems to keep me going until lunch time though, without dipping into the pantry. It's the space between lunch and dinner I have trouble with, and all the sweet crap I have in the pantry.

How does this differ or similiarise with your morning? 
Are you a coffee or tea person?
What is your weakness, when it comes to the mid afternoon slump?


  1. It's great that you get so much done for you in the mornings. I need to do more of that.
    My glass of water and a shower are my indulgences. Then it's all about the cleaning and caring about everyone else's needs! I need to take stock more and dose up on the vitamins too.

    1. It's all good if the kids sleep past 7 o'clock, it's lovely actually. They seem to be waking earlier, like 6:30 since DLS started. I.don't. like. it. LOL I need better block out curtains!

  2. I have 2 cups of coffee and read blogs...if you haven't posted before 7, I won't get to it ;)

    1. Must be a good thing I schedule most of my posts at 6 in the morning then!

  3. I agree that a morning routine you can 'walk' yourself through without too much thinking is helpful. Yours sounds like a good balance of caring for you first then everyone else. Since retiring mornings do not contain 'have to' routines or alarms. But my go-to each day must my toast with a cup of tea reading the home delivered morning newspaper! Your intake is so healthy and I like how well you are caring for yourself. Thanks for the link up too! Denyse xx

    1. I wish all of my intake was so healthy. Can't be good all the time!

  4. I like having a shower in the mornings to fully wake me up. Without a shower I don't feel fully awake.

    1. Usually I get a shower before school drop off. The kids are dressed and eating breakfast, I can dash off to have one. if not I make sure my hair looks good, and get dressed for the day!

  5. my routine is evolving - walk the dog, ride the bike, make lunches, eat breakfast, write, by which time the kids and husband are up and needing my input. It's just about the only time of the day I have quiet.

    1. I think I need to get up earlier, I am not getting my peace at the kids bed times lately, with one staying up as long as she can. I actually feel I may need to change, by going to bed earlier and getting up at the crack of dawn!

  6. I love a good morning ritual it's sets you up for a good day!
    Thanks for organising this link up!

  7. I really do have to try the whole lemon juice in warm water thing.... I could do with some more 'regularity' in my life due to a long standing fight with IBS. My ritual involves reading out one of my strength cards, lighting a candle, and then drawing an oracle card and possibly journaling about what it brings up for me. Unfortunately I've been very remiss of late and haven't gotten to all of these as often as I should. When I do these things I'm always more grounded, calm, and positive about the day ahead.

    1. Grounded, calm and positive, sound like the perfect way to start the day. Sounds wonderful! :)

  8. Our lemon tree is full of lemons so I should also do this as I am trying to drink less coffee!

  9. I need to work on my morning routine Alicia. It's gone a bit off track lately. Thanks for the party and have a great week!

    Anne xx

    1. You have a fab week too. Thanks for coming to join in x

  10. I have a morning routine that revolves around the kitchen too. If something goes wrong with my routine in the morning, I'm in a whole lot of trouble and everything starts falling apart! My husband also starts the day with a warm glass of water but doesn't use lemon - he swears it helps him with his digestion too.

    1. There is nothing worse than having a stressed morning. I seriously hate those days, and I usually end up freaking out (having a cry). I don't wish those on anybody x

  11. I'm a terrible morning person. I do get up and pack lunches and have pretty much the same routine but I'm in a daze until at least midday. Or all day, everyday... ahem... You're a good girl with your lemon water and vitamins. I can't stand drinking warm water. I do like a cup of tea in the morning.

    1. I usually have a cup of tea first thing after dropping the kids off too. They drive me to it! Good thing we don't have a liqour cabinet ;)

  12. I think I need to try your hot water and lemon trick. My stomach has been so upset lately!

  13. How does it differ? Yours sounds so damn peaceful! Lol! How do you manage anything before the kids are up? I'm up by 6.30 usually and my kids aren't far behind me and we, all of us, hit the ground running to be out the door and meet the school bus at 8am. It's mayhem. I'd much prefer your routine. It sounds divine. Might have to get up earlier. ;-)

    1. My alarm goes off at 7. Most mornings lately, god damn it, the kids are waking at 6:30, or before. I feel like a sack of potatoes trying to lug myself out of bed.
      I think I need to go to bed earlier and wake earlier to get that divine peace in the mornings back.

  14. I have just gotten into the lemon water in the morning, along with a pinch of cayenne pepper or numeric. It is really good for inflammation and my autoimmune issues! Coffee is a must afterwards for me, just love it :)


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