
Monday, August 15, 2016

Three ways with Beetroot

I love beetroot.

Mum grows way too many veggies for her and Dad. I secretly think she loves to just grow stuff, so she can give it away.

If I was as good as growing veggies as her, I want to grow it all too. 

Beetroot's the latest thing she's sent me home with. I've said I love it, haven't I? I don't think I have said how crappy I am at growing it myself though. I am trying.

I made a couple of jars of beetroot relish with it. A beetroot and ricotta tart too, based loosely on this recipe, which was delicious by the way. A little ugly to look at, like something you'd serve at Halloween, but delicious all the same. I might use less beetroot next time, or even try it with pumpkin or some other veggie. I will blog the recipe when I get it right.

I still had beetroot to use and a brain wave to bake with it. I went to google for a recipe for Beetroot and chocolate cupcakes and found this one for muffins.

I ate these over a few days. Summer helped. After a couple Izzy cottoned on, and mentioned that the chocolate tasted funny. Dang! No fooling her. 

I thought they were fucking amazing! I was in heaven with every bite, and seriously, you would hardly know there was beetroot in there.  


  1. I love beetroot relish - and dip. Curious about the chocolate muffin tho!

    1. The beetroot taste doesn't come through. Just adds to the moistness (I wasn't going to use that word), of the muffin. There is a slight tinge of colour, but not really noticable with the amount of cocoa. Good recipe though.

  2. The relish must be tasty. I am right into making pickles and jams etc. Beetroot for me is a difficult thing to cook with, very hit and miss.

    1. I love the relish. It has balsamic vinegar in it, which adds a richness. Great with a burger.

  3. I love Beetroot too! It's not a proper hamburger without Beetroot. My daughter insists on eating grated Beetroot before she races in athletics as it has proven benefits for middle distance and long distance runners.

    1. I didn't know that. The relish is made with grated beetroot. I had to go buy gloves especially for the job!

  4. Thanks for the muffin recipe. I'm going to be trying that one. My man does not eat beetroot, so maybe I can get away with some disguised in muffins. Worth a try.

  5. Those beetroot and chocolate muffins look amazing! I've only just discovered your Linky via Denyse Whelan's blog, I'm adding it to my list. Yay!

    1. Di, thanks for my part played in getting you over to Alicia's blog! She's got some great creative posts too! Denyse x

    2. Welcome Di. Thanks Denyse, you're such a gem.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS 200 blog posts for Open Slather!! Thanks for your linky I am very grateful we have 'met' this way too! As for the cupcakes, more for you I say!! I love beetroot in my burgers and, here's one I recall from my mum...she'd have beetroot and tasty cheese on toast. Tinned beetroot that is. Your mum sounds like me as a cook..I still make 'family' size everything even though it's mostly just for me as my hub has a restricted diet. Denyse x

    1. I am sure my mum lives for the times we all come home for dinner. She ALWAYS cooks up a feast. I found it hard to adjust when my son moved out, I was always making too much. Now I make it and the buggers won't eat it!
      I don't know how 200 link up happened! Just plodding along doing my own thing....way cool :)

  7. When I did my health kick recently I used beets a lot, my mum used to preserve them!

    1. With the weather warming up, we will be into the beets with more salads. Izzy won't touch them but the rest of us will eat them. Usually I buy tinned, but if i can master them in the garden I may be preserving them for the fridge. They won't go wasted, that's for sure.

  8. 200 link ups! Well done! I'm not a huge fan of beetroot, although I do remember polishing the tin off at family BBQs as a kid.

    1. Ha, my hubby did that once as a kid. Got rushed to the doctors for red pee lol!

  9. Woohoo, happy 200th! That's amazing. :) I love beetroot.... beetroot dip, beetroot in a hamburger, beetroot cooked whole. Beetroot chocolate cake is one of my all time favourites. :))

    1. I don't mind a roasted beetroot amongst other roasted veggies either. It's the first time I've baked beetroot into cake. Was awesome.

  10. Beetroot is an awesome food to ground self with. I too, have made the chocolate beetroot muffins and I couldn't fool my sons either!!! LOL! Wow! and you've written 200 Open Slather posts... what an achievement! Congratulations xxxs

  11. The things you can hide in cake :) I have to say I am more of a pickled beetroot person than a roasted beetroot person. My Step Dad is the vege grower and beetroot is often found in the garden. Lucky you having a great source of well loved and fresh veg.

  12. I love beetroot on and with anything. My family like it on burgers and that's about it. If I was to buy whole beetroot, I'd be eating it for weeks but I do love it. Can't wait for your relish recipe Alicia. Congrats on 200 parties!

    Anne xx


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