
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August in the garden

Yesterday I forced myself to get outside in the garden with the camera. It feels like it's been a long winter, definitely a cold, wet one, and sometimes it's just easier to stay inside where it's cosy. 

I  ended up taking over 80 photos! I spent a good part of last night editing them, so you can see what's happening in the garden right now. Spring is nearly here, and we've had a few nice sunny days this week, so the flowers are starting to come out, along with the bees too.

I am trying to keep up with Toni's photography challenge and I am using these photos I took yesterday for the 30th week prompt, which is Nature.


  1. You have some real treasures in your garden. Beautiful xx

  2. Great variety and festivity in your set. I'm catching your enthusiasm for the season change although we still have some miserable mosquito ridden days ahead.

  3. Great variety and festivity in your set. I'm catching your enthusiasm for the season change although we still have some miserable mosquito ridden days ahead.

  4. Your photos are beautiful! We are at the tail end of summer here and the kids are getting ready to go back to school. Thanks for sharing on Wordless Wednesday!

  5. Well I for one am so glad you did this garden visit with the camera!! love the close-ups and the effects of using the different settings. These are....'picturesque'. Love your pics!

  6. Great garden. I wish I had the skills for it but I just am not that green.

  7. Your garden is spectacular.
    Thank you for linking up.
    I love the Daffodil best - it's Daffodil day tomorrow in factl


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