
Monday, August 8, 2016

Lake Mountain ski resort, Victoria

It's been two weeks since we returned from our holiday in Healesville. Two weeks! Where is the time going?! The whole purpose of our holiday, was to head up to the Lake Mountain ski resort, about an hour away.

We were here two years ago, and it was just as much fun as last time. It makes for a fantastic day out in the snow, for the family. We love it.

Our neighours joined us on holiday this time, we enjoyed sharing the experience with them. They had a ball too.

The weather was a little rougher than our last time at Lake Mountain. It was the wind chill factor that got us, it was so cold. 

While we started out on the resort toboggan slopes, a staff member from the resort told us to head to Leadbeaters. It was a toboggan run that was protected from the wind, etter for littler kids. It was in a secluded spot amongst the trees and it was there we stayed, for the rest of the day.

When it started snowing, it was magical. Even though there was lots of noise from other people having lots of fun, it was so peaceful amongst those trees, with the snow softly coming down. I was in awe. It was the first time I had caught snow in my glove and could SEE actual snowflakes. 

As we made our way back to the resort to leave, it was obvious how protected we had been at Leadbeaters. There was a full on blizzard happening, we had chosen the right time to go.


  1. How fabulous! We're not going this year (or last year) so I'm extremely jealous!!

  2. I can't believe you made it to this resort and it's so close to our home and we still haven't been!!! I am hoping to take my kids here this year. I have been Google-ing it this week. (It feels a step closer when I do this!)

  3. That looks like so much fun! My twins were on a school ski trip a week ago. They had the best time too!

  4. Special times Alicia... beautiful photos to remember your time away too :D xxs

  5. Wow. I know it looks (and was very cold) but to give your children those experiences was worth it! And you got to see snow falling. I remember the quiet of it too...and it was over 45 years ago i last went to a snowy area. Did you get any snowflake closeups?? Probably too cold to have the camera out!

  6. Sledding in August? It's summer time out here. It looks like you had a lot of fun.

  7. Oh snow!!! So magical and don't your little people look fabulous in their bright snow gear! I am a keen tobogganer myself. You can never be too old for it.


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