
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Feeding native birds in Healesville

We've had a busy school holidays. The first weekend was spent away in Adelaide, for Izzy's gymnastics championships. She did really well for her first competition, with a silver ribbon, and three bronzes in vault, floor, bars and beam respectively. 

We had several days at home after that recuperating and catching up on washing.

A week before we'd been having drinks with the neighbours, and before you know it, we had a spontaneous snow trip planned for the second weekend of the holidays. 

I was really looking forward to this weekend, and I was not disappointed at all. Everybody had a fantastic time. 

Our choice of accommodation was the BIG4 Yarra Valley Park Lane Holiday Park in Healesville, Victoria. While we were initially taken aback by the lack of room in our cabin, we settled in well and realised this place was a gem. The park is set in quiet bush land with the most amazing tall trees.

The playground, jumping pillow and BBQ area were steps from our front doors and we could hear nearby Badgers Creek bubbling away beyond that.

The one thing that stood out when we arrived was the greeting from the local bird life. Before we had fully unpacked our car, there were several Rosella perched on our porch, checking out the new occupants.

We got our hands on some wild bird seed (available from reception) and loved the chance to interact with these beautiful birds. 
female king parrot

male king parrot


Week 29 Bright - #fmy52weeksofmemories


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