
Monday, August 1, 2016

Healesville train ride

We were all excited about this trip. As far as us adults we knew we were on a twenty minute trip to a winery, where we were going to have a picnic with hopefully a wine purchase or two.

The kids were excited for the train ride and they were not disappointing. They loved every minute, seeing a mob of kangaroos, going through a tunnel and having the conductor asking for, and punching a triangle hole in their tickets. 

The parents were  not so happy though, because the train did not go to the actual winery. It stopped, due to a broken bridge, the driver changed ends and we railed back to our original destination. Sad face.

We alighted the train, came across a HUGE bloody dog in the station, and worked on finding somewhere else we could enjoy our picnic.

Next time I will make sure to take the seat at the front of the train. The view coming in and out of the tunnel was gorgeous and I couldn't get a great photo of it. 

When the bridge is fixed and the train goes through to the Tarrawarra Winery, I will most definitely take the train ride again someday in the future. I am pretty certain we will be back in Healesville again.

Marvelling at the size of this dog, we were informed that it's only four months old with it's owner remarking, "You should see the mother!"


  1. That is a disappointment about the winery. But what a win/win trip - fun train ride for kids, winery/outdoor adventure for adults/kids. Sounds perfect!!

    1. Will most definitely be taking that train ride when it goes all the way to the winery.

  2. Alicia, you were just 15 minutes from my home!! I wish I had known! We could have met up!! Pretty place Healesville and it's just 12 minutes to the Sanctuary for us. We need to get there more often. Have been meaning to blog it for eons.

    1. I was thinking of you and you've had so much on your plate, I didn't want to bother you. Apparently we are returning next year, so we have to make a date. I'd like that x

  3. How disappointing not to get to your planned winery destination :( and what a humongous puppy! I'm scared to think how big it will get once fully grown!

  4. Love the old trains and love your picture of that dog. (but I wouldn't love cleaning up after him). Your picture of the chair with Healesville on it is fantastic - great shot

    1. Oh gosh, I never thought of the clean up. No way! I like that shot too. The station, train and the people that work there, are in keeping with the style of the 1950s.

  5. I spent my teen years in Healesville, that winery wasn't even there then! I bet it's even changed since we were last there ten years ago!

    1. We passed the winery on the way home from our holiday. It looks kinda knew. I didn't know you lived there! It probably has changed a lot(not saying you're old or anything x).

  6. Oh it's such a lovely part of the state there. I imagine a train trip would be gorgeous and even more marvellous if there is a winery at the end of the track. I can imagine the disappointment! Looks like there was no disappointment for the little people, so winning there!

    1. The kids loved it and could have ridden it again!

  7. I'd be disappointed too! How about that dog...woah! The kids look pretty happy though. Pity about the adults' disappointment!

  8. Look at the size of that dog's feet!
    It sounds like a lovely trip, although improved by a winery stop I am sure. You are making me want to visit there as well.

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