
Monday, July 25, 2016

A weekend at the Adelaide Shores resort

My place in time #89 This place is for sale

One hundred kilometres into our drive to Adelaide, we come across Larry the Lobster, in Kingston SE. This is the Big Lobster that radio hosts Hamish and Andy have been raising money for. Larry is in need of some fixing up. The popular tourist attraction is also up for sale, along with the building behind it, that used to be a cafe and souvenir shop. This would be a great investment for the right person. Hell, even I am tempted! There is always tourists there taking photos, and with the influx of overseas tourists coming into South Australia right now, it is a shame it isn't open.

The weather was glorious in Adelaide. We stayed at the Adelaide Shores Resort in West Beach. It is a fabulous resort for families, and our holiday villa was awesome, and great value for money ($250 for two nights), with two bedrooms and a kitchen. 

I would stay here again in a heart beat. I could even let the kids play in the playground while I watched them out the kitchen window while I cooked dinner (and sipped wine).

The beach was a stones throw away for a pre-dinner stroll, and the kids loved the heated outdoor pool. It was strange, we drove four and a half hours and the kids were swimming outdoors, after a six degree day earlier in the week, back home.

The resort is close to the Adelaide airport. Watching, and hearing, the planes take off so close, was a novelty for us. The noise did not bother us at all, and didn't affect our sleep, which we were a bit worried about. 

If you had kids that were obsessed with planes, they'd think it was Christmas.

week 28 Smile - #fmy52weeksofmemories


  1. I heard all about Larry the Lobster on Hamish & Andy - glad to finally see him.

  2. This place looks so pretty. I am tempted to fly over and stay there myself!
    I hope they can manage to save Larry. He's unique.

    1. They have great sunsets on Adelaide beaches. It would be sad to see Larry go.

  3. I can just imagine all the tourists loving Larry the Big Lobster! I hope he is saved! He looks amazing!

  4. I'm tempted to book a weekend away, if only Adelaide wasn't so far from Queensland! Looks like you had a great time (and a good price, too)

  5. What a great mini break you have had. Many photos to show for it as well. Such a happy set of memories. I have linked my ICAD post from last Saturday where you get a special shout out because it's been fun having you join in too! Denyse

    1. Thanks for that shout out x I have enjoyed joining in :)

  6. Strangely, I have just watched something on TV about Australia's "Big" things and Larry featured. Sadly, a lot of our "Big" things have fallen out of favour. I grew up on the Sunshine Coast in Qld. We had the Big Pineapple which has apparently just been reinvigorated after some time in limbo. My grand-father was the sugar train driver at the Big Pineapple for many years, so I was very happy to think people are visiting there again.

    1. I loved the Big Orange in the Riverland when I was a kid. Sadly that is closed now. Sad to see them in disrepair.

  7. Gorgeous photos and I have to admit that it would be a wise investment for someone who has the time and inclination!

    1. It's a good thing I don't have lots of money, I am a bit impulsive and would likely be snapping places up around the place and trying to bring them back to life. I'm too busy for that!

  8. It does look nice and the beach time looks devine!

  9. The pictures you've got here really ought to get printed out and framed up! At least make sure that the pictures get uploaded somewhere on cloud storage of something to make sure that you keep the memories safely tucked away somewhere!


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