
Monday, March 7, 2016

Water #fmy52weeksofmemories

My place in time #47 - I wish this place had never changed

This has not so much to do with actual water, but the lack of it.

We took the go-kart down to Lake George over the weekend. Loads and loads of flat space to ride it.

When I was a kid, my uncle, his name just happens to be George, had a shack on the edge of this lake. I remember it so well. It was simple and crude. A set of bunks and an old wood stove, a table and chairs, and that was it.

There was water lapping not far away, and I remember wading out into it. There used to be fish, so many fish.  

The shack is long gone, due to vandals, and so is the water. What remains is salty shell grit.

In the distance I could see what could be water. But no, a mirage. Even the tree line reflects into the mirage, just as it would do on water. Weird. No wonder so many thirsty wanderers have been fooled on their quest for water. 


  1. Wow - that's really interesting - and a bit scary. Fab shot capturing the 'mirage' of water. Amazing!

    1. I wish I had more zoom on my camera to get up closer. I did have a go on the go kart, I should have taken my camera with me for a different perspective. Next time.

  2. What a perfect location for the kids to go go-karting!

    1. I haven't been here for a long time, it was a bit of a shock it was so stark. Great for go karting though, a couple of motorbikes whizzed by while we were there too.

  3. That place looks amazing! The go-kart looks like brilliant fun. I don't know anything about this sport but I can see my kids would love it!

    1. Izzy loves it. Not so much a sport for us, just hubby buying toys 'supposedly' for the kids :)

  4. How sad that it has changed so much from what you remember, I guess now it is providing different kinds of memories for your girls..

  5. This is amazing just how dry it is. I love to see a comparison when the water comes back (if it does).

  6. Australia is a land of so many contrasts! This reminds me of photos of Lake Eyre where there were land speed records set. I am glad you guys got to have fun. Sad about the ways in which you remember it have disappeared. Denyse.

  7. Its a bit scary that so much water has evaporated in just a few years, but it looks like a really cool place to go-kart. I missed my water photo last week because we didn't get near the beach, a pool or use the water table. My bad, I'm going to try and catch up this week.

  8. Wow what an interesting place..looks like your family had a blast :)
    Happy Monday and thanks for hosting!

  9. What great pictures and it looks like you guys had a blast! Thanks for hosting. Wishing you a very happy Monday!

  10. Mirages are such interesting tricks. Lovely pics and it sounds like a fun time out. Sad to see the water is gone. I wonder where it went.


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