
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Nature photos

Just over a week ago my sister in law tagged me to do a nature challenge on Facebook. I had to post nature photos for seven days.

I chose to take it on, and it sparked an urge to get out in the garden and take photos.

What I didn't bother to do was tag a different person for every one of those days. I just didn't think anyone could be bothered with it, plus I don't think I know that many people who would.

I enjoy sharing photos and I love that this blog gives me a broader avenue to do that.

You'll see at the end, Izzy doesn't mind taking the odd photo either.


  1. Great pics..glad you got to fix the camera too. Clever girl..just read the post from Monday. I too had a mark like that and paid a technician about $150 to get rid of it. You are a genius! Denyse.

    1. Oh that makes me happy that I saved some money!

  2. Stunning pics, especially the bees! I hope you are entering some in the Rotary Photographic Art Show, they are worthy!

    1. I have put one photo in. It's $20 per entry, and I didn't have the dollars to put too many in. will have to save up for next year, or the Wattle Range Council one later in the year.

  3. I will never get tired of seeing bees up close. Fabulous creature.

  4. Gorgeous pics! I especially love that second one of the bee. Punky saw me looking at it and she loved it too!

    1. I love how they look they are wearing fur coats :)

  5. I love your macro shots of the Bee and the feather.

  6. Oh my. What stunning photos Alicia!!! Wow! Love every single one of them. I was tagged in the same thing too but I've lacked inspiration or maybe it's more motivation. I'm sure if I opened up my eyes I'd find something pretty easy to photograph but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be as top shelf as your snaps xx


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