
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

An escape to Lake MacIntyre

When you're hubby goes out to get ONE thing from the shops and comes back an hour and a half later, you don't let it stew and fester. Sure you call him names under your breath and wonder why you never get to do the same. This is a common occurrence and happened on Sunday.

When he returned I put tea in the oven, grabbed my keys and camera and announced I'd be back in a while as I rushed out the door. I needed to get out of the house on my own. It was my turn.

I headed to Lake MacIntyre. Not the most exciting to escape to. Not as exciting as heading to a friends house for wine, or down the shops (to buy wine).

It was good though. Time to stop and notice stuff, be with my own thoughts. I had to remind myself to take my time and that I didn't need to rush. All was good and there is no guilt in spending time with me. For me. I don't demand it enough.


  1. I must, must, must go out there for a look. There was something on there on Monday as there were heaps of cars parked along there.
    My father-in-laws funeral was held out there, under a big sheoak tree. He was a stock agent so we thought it fitting that his funeral was out near the sale yards, somewhere where he'd spent a lot of his time. People said it was one of the nicest funerals they'd been to, in the open air and with a bag pipe player playing Danny Boy....

    1. There was a funeral out there on Monday Joolz. Nice and peaceful out there, a lovely place for a funeral.

  2. Getting out and about is good for the soul right? xxx

  3. We live in the most amazing country. So much beauty.

  4. As always, great pics. What lens do you use? All your pics are so sharp and clear. Im doing something wrong in mine as I always seem to get blur...

    1. It's the lens that came with my Canon camera, an EFS 18-55mm. That's all I have at the moment. I'd love to get others one of these days, to have a play.

  5. How nice is it to have time to just wander and take photos by yourself. I definitely do NOT get enough time to do that!

  6. Great photos - how awesome is that tree?

    1. There's a few old trees like this here. They are massive and some of the branches are held up with posts.

  7. I'm glad you got some time out to breath. Lovely photos.

  8. Lovely Photos. Great spot to visit

  9. I need to do this more... just get my camera and go! Great pics, as always..


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