
Monday, March 14, 2016

Me #fmy52weeksofmemories

For my 180th ever link up, I am fashionably late.
We decided to stay another day at the holiday house this long weekend. I had no computer, or reasonable internet so I am posting this after arriving home with a mountain of washing.
The first photo is last week. It has come to the stage, where I am fighting with Izzy for prime real estate in front of the full length mirror. She does her own hair every morning, such a prima donna.


These two are fresh off the SD card this morning on the way home from Pelican Point, lumps, bumbs and all.

I was alone and took these with the 10 second timer with the camera on the bonnet of the car! It was a mad dash to get in front of the camera before it went off. Such a dag.


  1. Where's your button code? Just went to add it to my post....Go you with the timer. Like the windfarm in the background.

    1. It's in the sidebar :) First time I've used the timer. HAVE to do it more and take photos of the family together. Really bad at doing that.

  2. Happy 180th! That's a lot of link ups!

  3. Getting close to 200! I like how you used the timer to take your own photo. I just may have to do something similar, although I hate myself if pictures.

    Thanks for hosting and have a great week :)

  4. Your 'me' shots are so lovely! The one where you are at the back of the mirror and watching your DD tells such a story doesn't it? Loved your car bonnet ones too! Denyse

  5. I wondered what had happened... glad I came back to check on your site today Alicia :) Lovely photos! I too, have been playing with the timer on the camera... playing for my book trailer... lots of fun and has me in giggles in my attempts to get in the right position before it goes off! LOL. Congratulations on your 180th post too!!!

  6. I've been known to do that style of selfie. What is with girls and mirror hogging, my youngest sister was like that, still is.

  7. You look gorgeous in this colour - nice to see your smiling face! And 180 link ups - what a legend x


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