
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Long weekending in Pelican Point

Friday saw me staying at the holiday house on my own. A night away. On. my. own.

I went for a walk after dinner, down to Bungalow Bay. I was hoping for a sunset, but it wasn't to be. It became overcast and the sea fog rolled in. Still a walk on the beach, is a walk on the beach.

Brett and the girls arrived on Saturday. In the late afternoon we tried some fishing at Red Rock Bay. No luck, maybe next time.

We had a really good long weekend. Brett and I did some improvements to the yard and I have the beginnings of a garden happening.  


  1. Great photo's! A night away alone - heaven!! :-) xo

  2. A night by yourself would have been so relaxing! The beach shots look like fun for the kids :)

  3. So gorgeous! I wish I had a holiday house to escape to from time to time. And a night by yourself no less! Bliss!

  4. It looks very serene.
    Quiet time alone is a great refresher.
    The handstand is a great capture.

  5. We're planning an outing to the beach as well. Nothing refreshes my soul quite like that!
    I hope you'll come by to share your photos!

  6. Your photos are beautiful. It looks like you had a nice evening.


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