
Monday, January 4, 2016

See ya later 2015.

It's obvious looking at my #2015bestnine, that my flowers posts are most popular. I am in disbelief that there is not a food post there at all. My hubby does not understand why I photograph my food, let alone share it. I love my #onemotherkitchen posts.

I posted a photo of flowers on Instagram yesterday, that too is getting lots of likes. It seems this may well be a focus for me in 2016. I have been missing flowers in my house of late as I've been to bat shit crazy busy to get out and pick a bunch. The scorching hot days we've had haven't helped much either. Most of the flowers have been fried by the hot sun.

A photo of me made it as one of my highest liked. This was significant for me, in that it was taken after one of my evening walks, 15 weeks ago. Being more active and eating well has seen me lose 15 kilos in the latter half of last year. It was a turning point in doing something for me, I feel so much better for it. Although the last few weeks have me feeling a bit thick around the middle and a little emotionally worn out,  that 'time out for me' walk after dinner will have to make a return.

I love that my only crafting project of the year, a cross stitched table cloth made an appearance. A friend of mum's gave it to me, god knows how long she had it for. It was a pattern from an ancient New idea magazine. I still haven't used it, it's folded up in the linen cupboard and will probably stay there for a while longer. I'd need to get myself a plastic table cover to protect it from my messy kids. And then there's the mandala I coloured in. The only thing I coloured last year, and probably the last I will ever. I have not embraced the colouring craze.

What did you learn from your #2015bestnine?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Some of my most liked pictures are those that are very personal. I find the more staged the picture, the less interest but my passion is creating these cool pictures.

  3. Four birthday cakes made it into my #bestnine. Yes, I like colouring but I really just dont have the time. I sit down to do it then hop up to put a load on or do something else.
    Gee, you' ve done so well to lose some weight, I definitely need to address this issue!
    Happy New Year!
    Cheers - Joolz xx

  4. Happy New Year! Flowers are always popular. My hottest are food shots and kids. Well done with the weightloss! Xxx

  5. Beauty flatlays made up my most popular IG photos!

  6. I have 4 colouring books that I'm yet to open and I got them in October! Hopefully by the end of this year I'll have got around to it. I didn't even bother doing my top 9 pics so I have no idea which ones are my most popular.

  7. Great looking flower arrangements, and thanks for letting me join in the link-up. I always enjoy making new friends, and hearing what others are up on their blogging journey. In 2015, I learned that people connect with me best, when I share parts of my story and life when them. This is one of my goals for 2016--share more. Wishing you an incredible new year!

  8. Lots of flowers in your pics! :) My best nine had beaches, cats and books. Honestly...a lot of water! :D Happy New Year Alicia and hope 2016 is wonderful!

  9. I do love seeing your flowers. Most of mine came up from near the end of this year. Obviously more viewers then.

  10. I hope the start of 2016 has been kind to you lovely - just back from a 10-day family trip to NZ so it's unpacking and washing and then WORK! But what I learned best from 2015 is that sometimes friends aren't always what they seem xx


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