
Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy place #fmy52weeksofmemories

I may be a week late on this one, I think, but I am only just getting around to posting about it. I have decided to have a crack at doing Toni's 52 week photo challenge, and it will be a challenge to keep up. I considered the FMS photo a day for about two seconds at the start of the year, but yeah, photo a day. I might just bite off a photo (or in my usual style, several photos) a week.

I have lots of happy places. Most of them involve pure nature. Chirping birds in our gum trees in the morning, strolls around nature reserves and of course the thundering sea. Any beach will do, it doesn't have to have thundering waves, but it helps for coaxing all my worries away.

We went for a drive to Canunda to look for cockles in the sand. We found one. It was still an awesome outing. We saw a dead pilot whale on the beach. Bit sad. On a more populated beach, it would have been big news. On this lonely stretch of sand, when a whale beaches, or washes up, no one is there. It dies with no fanfare.

Atop the big sandhill and the road home


  1. I love your beach pics Alicia. So much light. X

  2. I love your happy place. Mine would be very similar. I am looking to do this challenge too but so far I am not doing a good job.

  3. They're beautiful shots - our beach holiday was rained out, so I have to say I'm jealous of that blue sky and clean ocean!!

    1. Oh no, sorry to hear that. This ocean is strictly not for swimming at, the undertow is ferocious, as is the surf. It's a great place to hang out on a sunny day and drive through the sandhills.

  4. stunning stretch of beach. Sometimes I miss thundering waves, Queensland beaches are protected y the islands, unless you actually go to the islands.

  5. I'm so jealous that you got to the beach. The beach is my happy place too but we didn't get there last week because it was crappy weather here. Hopefully the weather is better for this week's prompt :)

    1. Ha! This weeks prompt may well be the beach for me again! I hope you get some good beach weather x

  6. What a gorgeous spot. I still haven't gotten around to sharing my "happy place" but it is a beach on an island near here, and I *love* hunting for pippies (what you call cockles I think). They make great bait, and if I bring some home and boil them up, my kitty cat thinks it's a feast!

    1. We keep them for fishing bait. But I have cooked the fresh ones up and ate them, much to the horror of some of the family!

  7. What a lovely stretch of beach and what a great family outing!

  8. Oh that's so beautiful! I'm such a beach person, it's my happy place too. Love the photos!

  9. What a beautiful place and the kids look happy on the beach. I'm going along with 52weeks too but just in instagram. I've thought about blogging it. Maybe I will. I do FMS photo a day and get there most days, even if it is a boring shot.

    1. I did FMS every day in 2012. I really enjoyed it and loved being creative, when I wasn't taking boring photos. I am going to try to see this one through, plus it gives me something to blog about.

  10. What happy family memories, and a gorgeous beach. We're in CA, so we have plenty of beach excursions each year. Although ours are pretty crowded--even in the winter. There have been a few glorious occasions, where the family and I have had the shore, mostly to ourselves. For some reason, these trips always seem extra special.

    Wishing you a happy Monday!

  11. Hi Alicia! I wanted to thank you for the comment you left of my blog regararding my word of the year. 2015 was really awful and I can't continue to wallow around I must take action. Otherwise nothing in my life is going to improve.

    I hope you have the courage to make your 2016 better as well..You can do it!! We can do it!! (Just know that if I disappear again from the blogging world again I'm not doing it lol). Seriously though life is hard and when you have kids you just have to keep at it even though you might feel like staying in bed and hiding.

    So today on my blog I'm sharing my first step I'm taking to moving forward and becoming self-sufficient. This is what I linked up here with you.

    By the way your photos are awesome! I really need to dig out my "real" camera and do some of that myself.

    Happy Monday :)

  12. Finally getting around to the Open Slather posts!!
    Once again you have successfully made me jealous with your amazing photos! That place would make me pretty darn happy too!! Can see why you love it!
    Good luck with the photo challenge!


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