
Monday, December 28, 2015

Our Christmas

My place in time #74 - If I had a permanent marker, I would correct this sign
This time last week, about 8 o'clock in the morning, I was changing a sign in the main drag with a permanent marker.
It stayed there all week too, but yesterday, the day after Boxing Day, I noticed it was gone. Fair enough, I was surprised it stayed there that long! I hope it gave someone a smile at Christmas.
I'd wanted to do this for a couple of years and finally found the courage this year. I was trying to remain low key as I sticky taped my sign to the window, nervous but casual at the same time, considering it was directly opposite the cop shop.


It's always exciting for the kids when they first notice the street decos up at the start of December.

The girls and I, dropped into Carpenter Rocks, earlier in the week. Preparing the house for holiday renters. We have visitors from Melbs renting this week. January is pretty well fully booked.

We checked out the lights. There were two houses Summer flatly refused to get out at, well screamed at us, because there were dancing Santas out the front. She has decided that she will not change her mind about the matter next year either.

Entertainment at the Millicent Christmas Eve street party. Awesome.

Christmas Day. Family. Cousins. Too much food!

Granny Wanda.

Boxing Day was slow, not for the kids. How. do. they. do. it?


  1. That sign is too funny! Looks like you had a great Christmas full of family, fun and food!
    Wishing you a bright and happy New Year! xxx

    1. Thank you Joolz, you too. I am looking forward to it.

  2. Haha! That's a great sign! :D
    Beautiful lights in your area.
    Seems like you guys had a good Christmas! Hope you have a great new year's too. xx

  3. Looks like you had a lovely day!
    That sign is too funny!!!!

    1. I hope it gave a few people some amusement. I guess there are some that just had no idea what it was about!

  4. Love the sign...and that go-kart looks like fun!

    1. The big kids had a ball on the go kart. Gave some of the mums and aunties heart attacks though!

  5. Oh I love your sign! Totally stealing that for next year. :)

  6. The Santa Lights look so magical! I love them!

    Looks like the kids in your family had fun! The go-kart looks amazing!


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