
Monday, December 21, 2015

Merry Christmas

We had a lovely Christmas shindig/street party at the neighbours house yesterday. We've been neighbours for thirteen years, and it's only been this year that I have socialised with them. They are lovely people and made us feel so welcome.



Santa dropped in, with goodies for the kids.

Summer charmed the pants of everyone when she sang Jingle Bells with another little girl. She has stage presence apparently. It was uber cute.

The past week and first week of the school holidays was a scorcher. Except for yesterday, we'd been at the swimming lake everyday! We are so lucky to have this awesome asset in our town.

We are as organised as we are ever going to be for Christmas. I have the urge to bake, but just seriously cannot be bothered! I am so looking forward to lunch at Mum's with all the family. Especially my brother who will be home in the next couple of days after his kidney transplant. We have so much to cherish and be thankful for this year.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas xx

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. How lucky you are to have one of those neighbourhoods. I love the images! I have really enjoyed following your blog this year Alicia and look forward to reading more in the new year. Have a fabulous Christmas with your beautiful family! Xxx

    1. Thanks Jody, we had a great Christmas with family and friends. Always awesome to catch up all together.

  2. We have a pretty boring street and every year I swear I am going to organise something and then I just get too busy.

  3. Looks like a lovely neighbourhood Christmas party! Our street is nothing like this unfortunately! I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!

  4. What a lovely idea, the street party with the neighbours! Hope you have a wonderful relaxing day with your family. Hopefully your brother is feeling well!

    1. Well for now the kidney has stopped rejecting. He is doing really well. Thanks for your wishes x

  5. Santa certainly arrived in style. Happy Christmas xx


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