
Monday, August 3, 2015

Preserving lemons while trying to get over life lemons

Did you catch 60 Minutes last night? How brave is Imran Khan? When I was a younger, I remember watching him play cricket. I enjoy watching cricket. 

When I was younger I remember having crushes on all sorts of different cricketers, him being one. So handsome and worldly.

This story made me appreciate our country. It made me appreciate the freedom my children have to an education. The security of a safe classroom and school.

So confronting to watch the images of bloodied classrooms and school bombings. God bless him in his plight to save his country from the terrors of the Taliban. I cannot see him being assassinated without an uproar from the entire nation, let alone the world.

I usually don't like to watch 60 minutes and shows like it. Too much real, and mostly the bad stuff. I am way too sensitive, and sometimes would rather not know.

I makes the life lemons that get thrown my way sometimes seem trivial.

I did have a bowl full of real lemons in my kitchen I had to use up. I still have an open jar of lemon curd in the fridge which I dip into sometimes with a teaspoon.

I preserved these lemons. Salt, lemons and a cut finger. Was fun.

I am not even sure how I am going to use them, in couscous maybe?

The recipe is on the SAXA cooking salt packet. It's basically quartering 10 lemons and juicing two more. Rub salt on the lemons and then squash them into jars with the leftover of a cup of salt, the juice and some pepper and bay leaves.

The bottom shelf in my pantry is full of preserves. As if I needed to add to it. I need to start giving stuff away.

I keep a cooking salt pig on my kitchen bench. My brother in law even used it instead of sugar in his coffee one time. I dunno how he managed to do that, considering it is no where near the kettle, where the actual sugar is. The salt pig is on a tray where the salt and pepper mills, olive oil and garlic lives.

It would have been funny if it wasn't so dumb.

See. No where near the sugar.


  1. I didn't see it, but we have a crazy fun loving friend who grew up in Lebanon and her stories are absolutely incomprehensible and shocking (and so incongruous given the type of person she is now). We really have no idea!!

    1. Your are right, I could not even imagine what they have seen and gone through. I hate to think.

  2. Watching stories such as Imran Khan's does put my life's "lemons" in perspective!

  3. Yes, we are definitely so lucky and blessed to live in Australia. Those lemons look delicious

  4. I haven't watched it but I know what you mean about things like that putting everything in to proper perspective. We certainly are very lucky here. And those lemons look amazing!

  5. I did watch 60 minutes ... Usually have the best stories... Except when they only ever present one side of the story

  6. I didn't watch but isn't is amazing how an others story can make you realise that your life isn't so bad after all. Preserved lemons, Mr Sparky suggested preserving strawberries the other day but not as jam. Hopefully those lemons come in use.

  7. I don't watch TV so missed the show, sounds inspiring though.

    We normally have an abundance of lemons on our shared tree with the neighbour but he organised tree trimming and they went overboard and it will be a good year before we see lemons. I'm so mad.

  8. You're so good preserving food, I wouldn't even have a clue when it comes to that and then I probably would never use it after I preserved it anyway. I usually watch 60 minutes but missed it this week as I was driving back form mum's house. I agree though its sometimes too sad and just makes me cry.

  9. If I lived closer I'd totally be stealing some preserves from you - we had a salt pig such as that as kids - DEFO salt!!!

  10. I missed the segment but I remember him as a great cricketer too.
    I love preserved lemons.. great in a Moroccan meal.


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