
Monday, July 27, 2015

When life gives you lemons......

I had a bit of a shit day. Long story short. I got no thanks for building the greenhouse, which I did do amazingly well.

I paved a path down the centre, made a garden bed in there, went on the scab at our local hardware shop for unused shelving in their graveyard out the back and set up three shelving units. I worked hard.

The first thing I heard from the co ordinator was "It'll have to be moved". Well fuck me, if there is nothing wrong where it is, she's just being an old mole (she's really not that old). I told her I am not moving it. I saw her having a whinge about it to someone else and I lost my lolly. Lots of ef words. Lots of them. Probably too many. 

That kit sat in the shed for two years and now it's erected, it's in the wrong spot. Fuck off. As far as I am concerned, it's been in the wrong spot sitting in the shed for the past two years!

Enough about that. I might just not stop! She's going to have to move it herself, if she can find someone to help her. I'll be interested to see if it will take her another two years. 


  1. Oops! It looks fab anyway. Well done on the build!

  2. That's terrible! You really are like the Little Red Hen (see what I'm trying to do there, rather clumsily). Looks great and hope everything flourishes in there!

  3. I'd let her move herself too! The hide of that woman! She should be thanking you! I hope you have a better week this week.

  4. Bloody good job - well done! It looks like it is in the perfect spot compared to the years in kit form it spent previously! Some people can be so ungrateful. Onward and upward! ;-) x

  5. Oh honey! That totally sucks. The greenhouse looks amazing and I have no idea how you would erect it yourself. The best revenge is to get her to move it herself :-)

  6. well she could have said something before you finished it, its not like you did it overnight !!!!

  7. yay, you for finishing it. but she could have whinged before you were done, much easier to change then!

  8. Well that just sux! Poo poo to her!!

    I LOVE that video! How funny is it! :))

  9. Ugh. I don't blame you for all the eff bombs. You deserved a big pat on the back and congratulations. I must admit I've been thinking of volunteering or getting involved in my community in some way, but the thought of having deal with personalities and all the BS puts me off a bit. Good on you for not giving up.

  10. I'm piping made for you - how rude is that? It's true that no good deed ever goes unpunished! x

  11. You have made me p!ss my pants... Not only with your beautiful greenhouse but that video ... Bahahaha

  12. Wow...that's amazing that you built the greenhouse. Some people are just shits. She can totally move it herself...


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