
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pecilan Point

No I haven't spelt it wrong. I've spelt it just the way Summer says it. Isn't it funny how pronunciations just stick. 

One of my friends once mispronounced 'caravan'. She said "Canaravan", ever since it's stuck in my vocabulary when I talk about our old van. It's long gone now, we sold it after we bought the holiday house! No need for the van now. Our last trip in her was to Marysville, to the snow, this time last year.

Over the weekend we went to stay at our holiday home in Pelican Point. We had a nice day on Saturday. 

Brett took the girls for a bike ride and I followed a bit later on foot, for a stroll down to the beach. There's a lot of weed on this stretch of beach. The sand is grey and when it is dry, it's like powder. It gets in everywhere. 

When I caught up with them, the girls had stripped of their pants and were playing in the water. I am sure kids don't feel the cold like us oldies do. 

You're being bombarded with photos. I haven't been in the habit of carrying my camera around for ages. 

On Friday night I went to the opening of SALA, at our local art gallery. It was SO nice to be out of the house on my own. I picked up a glass of wine on my way in, looked at some amazing art and chatted to some awesome local artists. It was so interesting to listen to the stories behind their art, and what inspires them. It was awesome to experience the feeling of community. 

So it's given me a push and thirst to be creative. I am hoping I find some inspiration to draw or paint from the photos I take. 


  1. Ha! One of our kids used to call it Shajam - and I now still say it (and forget to say Shazam when talking to non family members) yes, it sticks alright!!

  2. Replies
    1. you will have to let me know if you come over this way x

  3. I would have loved going to an art exhibition and talk to the artists with a wine in hand! Looks like you've had a fabulous weekend! :-)

    1. I am definitely going to the next one! I really enjoyed it.

  4. What a wonder-filled weekend... play for the girls, a stroll on the beach and taking in an art exhibition... lovely! Love the photos too ♥ PS: I remember my sister calling me lully because leanda was too difficult!

    1. I remember my sister used to call me weesee!
      I was a good weekend x

  5. I love chatting to artists, they really are such magical people! Lovely photos, although it does look chilly! x

    1. Wasn't as cold as it has been, but I had my jacket on! Bloody kids don't feel a thing!

  6. Such beautiful photos. It looks wonderful and makes me realise that it's been a while since we've gotten away or been anywhere near a beach. Need to fix that. The painting and drawing sounds like a great plan. I have lots of talented artists in my family but unfortunately the arty genes skipped me! Sigh.

    1. I've drawn and painted before, but not for a while. I have to be in the mood to be creative.

  7. I love photographing textures at the beach! Looks like a great way to take a break.

  8. Gorgeous photos! They should definitely provide lots of inspiration. I love the way Punky mispronounces words, my favourite, and the one that Dave and I use all the time is "Mender", which is how she says "Remember". A few months ago she used to start every sentence with it and it drove us nuts! Now that she has stopped saying it as often we kinda miss it!

    1. Thanks Kylie, that means a lot coming from a great photographer like you!

      I bet Punky's words will be something you will remember for ever though.

  9. What's funny is I read the title as Pelican point still! Lovely photos.

  10. I love you photos from exploring the beach. It looks like a lovely get away and I am glad you holiday house is getting a bit of use.

  11. Haha Miss 18 used to call Crazy Clark's Crazy Clubs and that stuck ... b-sghetti instead of spaghetti ... wobblies instead of wallabies. Nothing better than going for a ramble along the seashore ... might have to see if I can do that myself, this weekend!


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