
Monday, January 26, 2015

Carpenters Rocks Community Hall

My place in time #34 - This sign makes me laugh

Well not laugh exactly, but I find it amusing. Amusing enough to make me smile and let out a quiet one breath laugh. 

It makes me wonder who had the job of spray painting the signs. I love the way they have sprayed the word 'toilet' with the decoration underneath, as if to say, here is the new loo, isn't it lovely. Daggy, but with a dash of community pride. For a round concrete structure, it is quite clean, one of the best I have seen. Not only is it awesomely tiled, but is surrounded by a community hall, tennis court, camping ground, a challenging playground and an awesome free bbq area.

I am really enjoying discovering all these great things and exploring around our new second home. Like if you walk over that little sandhill next to the old loos, you come to find the fabulous Bucks Bay, where the local fishing boats moor, the kids can have a paddle in the surf or you can chuck a rod in the water. But more about that another time.

Happy Australia Day! Pride in community, is pride in ordinary places, that in our hearts and minds become extraordinary. Our country is extraordinary.


  1. That toilet sign is funny with it's little embellishment underneath! lol Lovely to see a bit around the area of your new little second home! We do live in an amazing and beautiful country! I'm so grateful that I was born here. Happy Australia Day Alicia! :-)

  2. Happy Australia Day to YOU! Such a nice area your second home is in :)

  3. The new toilet sign does look a lot more inviting than the "out of order toilet across the road" sign lol.

  4. that bay looks spectacular! I have always loved the beaches in the lower half of Australia, much more inviting for quiet contemplation than busy tourist beaches in queensland!

  5. It's so awesome to have a second home. I hope you had a fabulous long weekend x

  6. That's too funny!!! Have fun exploring your new little paradise!
    Look forward to seeing more pics!


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