
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bungalow Bay

My place in time #20 - The end of the day

While staying in Pelican Point, the girls and I love to take a walk after tea.

We walked down the end of our road and onto the beach of what I now know, as Bungalow Bay. 

These are photos of one of those enjoyable evenings, strolling on the beach and making memories.


  1. How cool is it to have a beach at the end of your street! So jealous. I'd be down there all the time. I might need to come stay at your holiday house :)

  2. I can see why it is called Pelican Point! lol Lovely photo's and happy memories! I adore walking near the water / along the beach in the late afteroon. :-) x

    1. It was very exciting to see the Pelicans too! Just mesmerising watching them. I enjoyed the walks very much.

  3. I need to be there today instead of sweltering in 38. Great photos.

    1. I have heard it's been heating up over there. We've hardly had any hot weather yet. Always seems a little bit cooler down by the beach.

  4. See that's a real beach with so much to see. Quite unlike the beaches here that are just sand no shells because they've been all picked through or aren't around! Wish we could walk after tea, grrr I hate not having daylight savings.

    1. Daylight savings certainly helps. The walks down the beach hardly wore them out though, I was hoping they'd be buggered and go straight to bed. No such luck.

  5. Late afternoon walks are the best. Lovely photographs, looks like a great spot. x

  6. I live at the beach as well but am VERY slack at actually going on it. I live across the road and enjoy looking at it though! ;-)

  7. Going to look up Pelican Point - that place looks fantastic!

  8. These pictures are gorgeous, beautiful catch, nice beach to play!

  9. Stunning photos and colours. Thank you for sharing.


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