
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Roasted beetroot and macadamia nut dip #helpimhandwriting

I took this along to my brothers 40th celebrations. I was asked to bring a nibbles platter. No one was really nibbling, too much drinking going on by that stage. The kids gathered round the nibbles table and demolished just about everything, except this dip! Fussy farts. 

I nibbled. Oh, I nibbled.

I am taking Ann from Help I'm Stuck's lead, and handwriting the recipe. It's a stroke of genius on her part, it is refreshing to see some handwriting on the net. This is also exactly how I would have written in it my scrap book of recipes. 

Linking with Tegan for The Lounge and I brought nibbles!


  1. It looks and sounds delicious. I really love writing the old fashioned way with a pen and paper. I love that you posted it that way.

    1. I really liked it! I love beetroot though, it's not everyone's cup of tea. I enjoyed writing the recipe and then just posting it to the blog, it seemed quicker that way too, no typos to correct!

  2. Looks and sounds delicious! I keep meaning to take Anns lead and handwrite a blog post too, maybe I should try a recipe as part of a post.

  3. I love beetroot and macadamia. Sounds delicious!

  4. Looks divine Alicia. I am happy to eat what the kids don't. It usually means it is extra tasty if they reject it!

  5. Wonderful, that rich ... beautiful photos!

  6. I was talking to a check out chick a few months ago about a recipe she was trying and she asked if she could have a copy. I hand wrote it out for her and dropped it in next time I was in the shop. She said it was so lovely to have a handwritten recipe.

    Thanks for linking up with us at The Lounge!


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