
Monday, October 20, 2014

A dusty Pines Enduro

I spent just about all day Saturday at my brother house. His back yard looks over Teagles Quarry, where the Pines Enduro is held every year. Luckily he bought the property from Mum and Dad earlier this year, before anyone else did. We still get to watch it from here, for free!

It was a warm day and they didn't wet down the track, so there was loads of dust. I mistakenly wore thongs and my feet were black with dust be the end of the day. It was a good day. A long one though, my brothers 40th birthday celebrations continued into the night, with a hungi feast, awesomely prepared by his maori mate, Mick. 

Did I mention while helping put hungi roasts onto trays, my feet were dribbled with meat juices, just for good measure to meld in with the dirt that was already caked on my feet. Gross. My dad laughed at me as I kicked off my thongs. Classy.

It was a real shame his twin brother wasn't there to celebrate with him and his family. He was missed. You don't need to hear about the bullshit that is involved with him not being there. Even I'm not clear on the bullshit that is involved! It is just a shame. I do hope that fences can be mended for the future, I would hate for us all, especially my TWIN brothers, not to remain close.

I really didn't take many photos, and I should have. I just couldn't be bothered. I am such a goose.

Brett stayed in the caravan overnight at my brothers. I thought of him with a chuckle and a 'suck shit', just after 8am, when I heard the roar of the cars starting up, from the other side of town. It must have been a rude awakening! There would have been some sore heads.

I cleverly came home with the girls about 10pm, they were asleep in five minutes and I hit the shower to wash the dirt off. 

People lined the fence on Willowbank Road for a free look see.


  1. Well there's something you don't see everyday! You have some interesting things in your State!

  2. I love the couch on the truck. Someone was thinking!!

    1. That was my brothers two seater on the back of a trailer! They had the best seat in the paddock!

  3. Looks and sounds like a fun weekend for all!!
    I'm with you though, I would have totally gone home for a shower and my own bed!

    1. That shower was so good after the girls had gone to bed.

  4. How awesome that you can watch it from the backyard! I'm totally into motorsport, I'd love to have a relative who owned property near a race. My dad and uncle used to do rally car driving when they were younger and those pics remind me of the ones I've seen of them racing.

    1. I'm not usually into motor sport but I love watching this race. The Saturday is a dash for cash and a time trial for pole position for the race on Sunday. I prefer to see the action on Saturday.

  5. How lucky were you !! we had to pay to get in.

    That dust was shocking as most of the spectator area copped it. We sat in the car where I was constantly winding the window up and down, too dusty to be down and too hot to be up.
    I thought that the guys that snuck in behind the cemetery had a good spot but they didn't stay there long after the dust kicked up.
    It looks like there is free parking on the left side of the track , may have to remember that for next year.

    1. Dee, it was so dusty. We put the caravan right in the corner of the paddock, and we were pretty dust free as it was uphill from the track. Always a great day. Maybe message me next year and you can be my special guest ;)

  6. What a score alright! My boys just came in and saw this and said 'Wow monster trucks'! Ha ha. Nice you have a good relationship with your family and WISE move coming home at 10pm! Thanks for linky x

    1. Thanks for coming to my place to link up xx
      The little dude from next door came up for a look, he was SO excited, he could hardly get the words 'Monster truck' out. It was adorable.

  7. Sounds like a fun and dirty day! I hope your brothers forgive and forget whatever it is they are angry is too short. Thanks for hosting :)

  8. Looks like a fun day. Reckon that shower would have been heaven after a day like that.

  9. Wonderful race, spectacular, beautiful photos!

    1. Thanks for coming to link up Leovi, love your work xx


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