
Monday, October 27, 2014

Pouring happiness

I was reminded of this saying last week. I wanted to share it with you.

It isn't hard to be tolerant of people who are different.

It takes real character to be compassionate. To be understanding when you really, don't understand.

To be generous with your time, without thinking how much it impacts on you, but how much it will make someone else happy, is the greatest thing you can do.

No one could maintain this all the time though. I know I need time for myself, when I need to take care of me. But one kind deed, has a follow on effect, that makes many people smile. It makes them smile, with that warm fuzziness that makes days seem sunnier, puts a spring in a step that may have otherwise been laboured.

What will you do, to spread happiness today?


  1. Love this. Sometimes a reminder can be very timely.
    Not linking up this week, a to do list a mile long plus catch up from last week=no blogging, something had to give!!

  2. So completely agree and lately, though I've had many hurdles to jump, I have been seeing and feeling the kindness of others a lot. Really needed this. Thank you. X

  3. What a lovely post! A good reminder too...

  4. It really does make a difference to just be there for someone without expecting anything in return. I have done this recently and it felt great, but it was hard for the person to accept. Thinking of you xx

  5. I love that saying and a great way to start the week, especially when I'd rather just lay in bed and sleep!

  6. That is such a beautiful quote, Alicia, and your post is a wonderful reminder about the importance of spreading happiness. I agree that being generous with our time is the greatest form of generosity there is :) hope you're having a wonderful week. Xx

  7. Hi Alicia! Love your flowery photos!
    Thanks so much for hosting and for stopping by my blog and linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party :))


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