
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Healesville Sanctuary

I really, really liked the Healesville Sanctuary. It's an Australian native animal zoo, set in bushland. It's entertaining and educational. Lot's of walking and getting close up to the animals. You can get up close and personal for an extra fee, but we didn't. It was still cool.

There's extinction fighting superheroes, and if you find yourself perched on the loo at any time, you'll hear a voice over from someone called Crap Man, informing you about the benefits of using recycled dunny paper. They really push that here.

The bird show is a must see. There's Kevin the talking bird, a Corella, and loads of other fabulous birds who do cool stuff.


  1. That does look like a fun place. The whole super hero thing would make it just that little bit more exciting for kids and certainly entertaining for adults. I don't think I've ever seen a Tasmanian Devil, well not that I remember. I had that Curlew's friend in my driveway the other night.

    1. The curlew was nesting, so it kind of growled at us as we walked past. It was in a walk through aviary and was camouflaged sitting there amongst the groundcover. I couldn't see it at first and wasn't sure what was growling. It's looking very serious here, really needs a funny caption :).

  2. Gosh you really did get up close and personal with the Koala! What awesome fun!

    1. There was a boardwalk and the koala were at head height level, so we did get to see them close up. They were only a few metres away.

  3. Lovely pics, Healesville looks similar to the native zoo at Cessnock, my girls loved our trip there in January. I especially love that koala!

  4. Awesome pictures!! Those girls of yours are looking more and more like you!!
    We have a similar sort of zoo near us, not as big though. It does have tigers!!
    What the heck is wipe for wildlife??!!

    1. It's all about using recycled paper toilet paper, to save trees for wildlife I suppose.
      The consensus is, that Summer is like me(which she is) and Izzy is like the O'Brien side of the family.

  5. I really really like it too! That photo with the tassie devil nearly eating her head is GOLD! Crap Man, what a cracker! Love it x

    1. I was having a good old laugh on the dunny listening to Crap Man. I was unsure whether I was hearing it right at first!

  6. Awesome series of photos. Great memories there.

  7. Great photos! My almost 2-year-old thinks the koala is a puppy. But then the birds are 'puppy', too.

  8. Cool! We go to the zoo near us all the time, but I'd love to check out some of the other ones from around the country. Love the third pic - I wonder what bird that is? It looks like a cross between a tawny frogmouth and a chicken. :)

    1. You know I should have paid more attention to the pictures outside the aviary before I walked in. It has me stumped now and I will have to ask google!

  9. Really nice close ups! Looks like a fun trip!

  10. Alicia, we live 12 minutes away from this zoo! I wish I'd known you were going - we could have met up!

    1. I had a feeling you didn't live too far away. That would have been great!


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