
Monday, September 1, 2014

An awesome(mostly) weekend and I wasn't even at Pro Blogger

Friday was a shit day. I'm not entirely sure why, but it was shit.

I knew the weather was going to be good. I knew I wanted to take the girls to Beachport, for a play and some lunch. Go to Beachport we did, it was a beautiful day. They had a good day, my day was shit. I wanted it to be awesome.

They had a good play at two playgrounds, I bought them sausage rolls for lunch, Summer didn't want hers. They both had ice cream, I was over it and took them home. I should have let them have a play on the beach, but I was over it.

I cried a bit on the way home. I was being a total drama queen, but I couldn't help myself.

After a couple of cans of bourbon, because after a shit morning you go straight to the bottlo on your way home, and it's Friday, and 5 o'clock somewhere, we set off for the playground. 

Izzy rode her bike and I pushed Summer in the pram. It was still a beautiful day. After seeing and telling a friend I was having a shit day, I felt better. Until we got home. 

It was all good until Summer spewed all over the floor. It had probably been coming all day. Whingy, didn't want lunch, tired. I felt like a total heel for making the shit day all about me. I cried anyway, cleaning up the spew.

Brett was home from work. I sat on the lounge, relaxed, moped, cuddled my sick little person. Cancelled dinner plans and all was right with world again. I was glad for bed, when it came. 

The one thing that was good was, the inspiration and affirmation that came with all the Instagramming(who knew ten years ago that would even be a word), of the Pro Blogger conference. It was fantastic and just what I needed to soak in! I could have almost been there. I have to get myself there next time, god knows how. I'm like a thirsty sponge, I'd be soaking that shit up like water from a bucket. I love to learn.

We spent most of the day on the beach Saturday, and spent Sunday afternoon at the bowling alley in the Mount, and at Maccas with friends. Everything was awesome. I hope this trend continues for the most part and I can manage to keep my attitude intact, for the sake of no more shit days.

It's also the first day of Spring today. Yay! 

It's also my birthday month! Yay!

What are you happy about today?

I trust you had a good weekend? 

If you were at the conference and shared some of the awesomeness, thank you! It was much appreciated :) Did you see Matthew Michalewicz? He would have been amazing!


  1. Well I am very glad your weekend became awesome after all. There's nothing worse than feeling down. Hope the trend continues for you Alicia.

    1. Thanks Jody. There are more good days than bad, so things are looking better everyday.

  2. Matthew BLEW my mind as did Chris Ducker, he even replied to one of my tweets. I plan to do a few posts about ProBlogger and hopefully give some great insight in takeaway messages. There was something for everyone! And I'm sorry you had such a shit day... but look at you now, you have pulled yourself out of it and wrote this post, go girl... Hugs x

    1. I am so going to have to go one year to see all the awesome speakers for myself. It's on my 'must do' list :)

  3. I didn't go to problogger but loved all the instagram action too. Thanks for sharing those quotes too, now I've discovered recite. I'd never heard of it before but it looks like an awesome site! Hope your days continue to get better.

    1. Recite is a handy site to use. Quozio is another. Thanks Toni. I see the mental health counsellor tomorrow again, so she can give me some coping strategies. I am feeling better.

  4. I notice you've already seen my fb post this morning... "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most" Buddha. I have fond memories of fun times with friends at Beachport! Wishing you a bliss-full week ♥

    1. Thanks Leanda. I am so lucky to live so close to our gorgeous little seaside towns, lots of good memories. I like that quote, I have to remember it each morning xx

  5. Sorry to hear about your Friday I had a super shit Sunday which culminated in a nice little meltdown and a great big cry. Here's to a much better week ahead for us both ;) Yah for spring!

    1. Yes! Yay for Spring. I am already loving the sunnier days.

  6. Yes, glad you had a turn around on Sunday and things were better than shit! Ha!

    I will be happy when I finish this shit of a quilt transformation into a throw - my fingers are nearly bleeding from all the hand sewing (that I don't do really very well)!

    Sunday was good because I stayed inside all day and did that sewing, keeping warm because I have a bit of a cold or hay fever. Big sneezes all day!

  7. Glad your weekend turned around. I set up a ProBlogger envy support group with a giveaway because I was green with envy with all the PB talk on social media.

  8. That was me yesterday too. Today however I actually got dressed, straightened my hair and went for a drive with the kids. Feel great! Love the line about it being 5 o clock somewhere. thats our selling point to try and get people to sample our wine at the markets at 9am in the morning. 'The looks' I tell ya!! Hope you feeling better today..x

    1. Ha ha, I'd be in for a taste at that hour. I'd probably need it after all the organisation it takes to get everyone out the door some days!

  9. Hi, we've just joined your Linky party for the first time. Also added your button to our blog. Thank you for the opportunity to be involved. x

    1. Thanks for dropping by and joining in. It's good to have you here xx

  10. There will always be shit days. I accept this and know that for every shit day there will be a good one just around the corner. Feel free to complain all you want, I am happy to listen.
    We had the most perfect spring weather on Sunday and had the nicest afternoon kicking back in the yard, eating our early bbq dinner outside then going for a short walk.
    Shame Mother Nature has got her wires crossed and sent us straight back to winter!!

  11. Love these images that you have made! Very cool.

    It sounds like to me that you were in a bad place, and that it wouldn't of mattered what happened you would of responded the same way. Hormonal? It always is too me. I am weeping and whingey for no reason and it makes me tired and angry and annoyed. Then, what do you know? I start bleeding. And, I realise what the problem was. With this awareness, I start managing everything better and slowly it all starts to go away. For a couple of weeks anyway. xS

    1. I am the same. It wasn't the problem this day. It was just a bad day. I should have reacted differently though, and it might have been better. Live and try to learn.

  12. Glad it turned out to be a good weekend for you :-)

  13. Congratulations on this incredible weekend, I want one like that!


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