
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cinnamon poached pears with a cream sauce

 ’This post is an entry into the Nuffnang ‘Fresh Recipe’ Network Competition, thanks to BRITA. Check out for inspiration and exclusive recipes by Gary Mehigan’.

I am a filtered water convert. Up until a few months ago, I was always a tap water girl.

Brett would be forever complaining about the taste of the kettle water, and now, being a black tea drinker, I have to agree with him and finally get it.

I no longer use the town tap water to fill my water bottle, or the kettle, something I thought I'd never do. I use the water from the filtered rain water tap that he installed, right at the kitchen sink. Just secretly, I am loving it.

Here's a recipe that I use my filtered water for, using delicious, in season, Beurre Bosc pears. It's easy, you probably already have all the ingredients in your pantry.

Using filtered water in this recipe ensures that the you get the most out of the flavours in your dish, without the added, tainted taste, of unfiltered water.

Cinnamon poached pears

2 beurre bosc pears
400 ml filtered water
200 grams sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon lemon juice
100 mls cream

Place water, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla essence and lemon juice in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Turn down the heat to a simmer.

Peel the pears and lower into the saucepan. If they are not submerged in the liquid, lay them down and occasionally turn so they cook evenly. Cook for 10-15 minutes. 

Take the pears out and drain on a wire rack.

Reserve 100 mls of the poaching liquid. 

Place the reserved liquid back in the saucepan with 100 mls of cream. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Drizzle over the plated pears. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream(and some of my lime and poppy seed biscotti).


  1. I'd love to get a proper filter installed so that all water coming into our house is filtered.

    We actually are not on mains water, so only have tanks. We use the brita jugs though to filter the dirt that gets washed through. They work beautifully. I do not like having water at other peoples houses now.

    1. I was amazed at how clearer the rainwater from the tank was through the filter. I don't think I could go back to drinking town tap water now.

  2. Yummmmmmm
    My mum makes a similar thing by poaching the pears in red wine!!
    Great recipe, good luck!!

    1. I want to totally try that. I am all for cooking stuff in booze haha!

  3. Yum! I love pears and cinnamon so this looks awesome!

  4. Poached Pears are one of my all time favourite desserts - yum!
    Good luck with your entry :)

    1. I had no idea how delicious they were until I made this. I ate it for breakfast with some pear ice cream!

  5. I love poached pears and that lime and poppy seed biscuits look divine. Thanks for linking with I'm Pinning Around. xx


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