
Friday, June 13, 2014

The thing I now know

I always knew I wanted to be just like my mum.

I now know it wasn't to have a tribe of kids. Three keep me busy enough. The worry, the guilt, the days when I could no longer stand to hear them fighting or yell out 'mum' one more time.

As Mum put it over the weekend(and now I am older, with my own kids, I totally get it), "You kids were a mob of arseholes. But I love you all and wouldn't have had it any other way."

Besides the tribe of kids, Mum had 5 under six by the time she was 24, I remember she was always cooking something. Well she had to I suppose, all we'd all starve!

Bread, biscuits, cakes, soups, roasts, scones, even the jam! I realise now, this is why I wanted to be like mum.

I find myself now loving to cook for my family and friends. I am by no means a master chef, but I love testing out cooking new cuisines, flavours and trying new ingredients. If only my kids enjoyed eating it!

This blog from the outset has included recipes. Not fancy, flash or fantastic. Just humble, good, simple tasting food. I love to share it, love to see people enjoying it.

I dream of buying a garden, ready established, with a spacious cottage. A cottage with an open fire, where after walking around the garden patrons would sit and enjoy simple, tasty, comforting food and hospitality.

I would also just about have to win x-lotto for this to happen.

They say don't let go of your dreams, work towards them. I won't be racing towards my dream. I will dawdle along, enjoy my gardening, and cooking for family and friends, because I never know what could be around the corner.


  1. I like this idea "They say don't let go of your dreams, work towards them. I won't be racing towards my dream. I will dawdle along, enjoy my gardening, and cooking for family and friends, because I never know what could be around the corner."

  2. Enjoy the journey to accomplishing your dream. Isn't that what life is about? I am closing my legs (well as an 8 month pregnant woman can) reading about your mum having 5 kids by 24. Do you think that younger mums cope better with more children though?

  3. So my mum was and still is the best country housewife, baking, cooking, preserving, sewing, planting, weeding, bulbs, cutting etc etc and I do none of that, I bet she's disappointed. Or maybe she's happy my dreams lie in my writing... Have a great weekend :)

  4. My mum is a great cook to. She gets a lot of joy from cooking for us. I get really chuffed when she says things like how a good a cook she thinks I am.

    What lovely dreams you have :)

  5. There's nothing like cooking food that you've grown (I say when mainly it is just herbs from the garden in this household). And there's everything wonderful about wanting to be like your Mum.

  6. 5 under 6 by 24!!! What a superstar. I enjoy baking and cooking, although haven't been in the kitchen for almost 3 months (since morning sickness kicked in). One day. Hope you get your cottage one day. Love your garden as it is. x

  7. Lol "you kids were a mob of arseholes" ... don't you just love people who tell it how it is! And 5 under 6 by 24?!! What a supermum! I would love a house with an open fire too. I grew up in a house with one and miss it so much. Your blog is such a beautiful place to visit for the recipes and the peeks into your garden. I like how you write that you dream of buying a garden with a cottage, rather than buying a cottage with a garden. A garden is the most important part of a home for me too.

  8. Wow! Your mum is an amazing lady! No wonder you want to be just like her! As they always say, simple is best x

  9. Great post and I love your quote! It is so true! Thanks!


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